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On Julia Lovell’s Translation Of The Real Story Of Ah-Q And Other Tales Of China

Posted on:2015-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428499323Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The present thesis researches into Julia Lovell‘s English translation, The Real Story of Ah-Q andOther Tales of China: The Complete Fiction of Lu Xun, from the perspective of George Steiner ‘sHermeneutic Motion. The author attempts to analyze Julia Lovell‘s translating process of Lu Xun‘sshort stories on the basis of the four stages of Hermeneutic Motion. The overall framework of this thesisis arranged as follows:First of all, after tracing the history of hermeneutics and its relation to translation, the authorcomprehensively and thoroughly investigates and moderately adjusts George Steiner‘s HermeneuticMotion. Besides, Lu Xun‘s short stories, their corresponding translations and the contemporary researchon the translations are summarized in literature review.Furthermore, based on four stages of Hermeneutic Motion, Julia Lovell‘s version of Lu Xun‘sshort stories is analyzed as the core of the thesis.―Trust‖stage discusses Julia Lovell‘s belief in thesource text and external trust in detail.―Aggression‖stage covers translator ‘s cultural awareness andpotential bias that exert influence on communicating the original works. In―incorporation‖stage, howthe translator appropriates the meaning and form is focused on. The final stage of―compensation‖involves attempts made by the translator to restore the balance of the translation. What is also includedin this analysis is Yangs‘English version of Lu Xun‘s short stories, serving as acomparison.After the thorough analysis, the author finds the moderately adjusted Hermeneutic Motion is ofmore explanatory force in translation practice. Second, Lu Xun‘s short stories are distorted in JuliaLovell‘s translating process and the major underlying reason is translator ‘s subjectivity. Also, somecompensation strategies adopted by Julia Lovell are effective in restoring the―balance‖of translation.It is hoped that this thesis may provide value for further translation studies from the perspective ofhermeneutics. Meanwhile, interest may be aroused in translation studies of Lu Xun‘s short stories andresearch on Julia Lovell‘s other translations as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:Julia Lovell, The Real Story of Ah-Q and Other Tales of China, Hermeneutic Motion, translation study
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