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Research On Optimization Of Financing Mode For Chinese Film Industry

Posted on:2015-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X QiuFull Text:PDF
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After18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, A new generationof leading collective headed by General Secretary Xi Jin ping put forward the ideologicalidea Of China Dream, which encouraged more and more Chinese people to fight forChina Dream. film as the8th Art, is an important Dream tool of the human society.Chinese film plays an important role in the realization of China Dream. Chinese filmindustry Globalization is not only a part of Chinese Dream itself, but also shoulders theresponsibility of spreading China Dream values to the whole world.Now Chinese filmindustry is developing rapidly, which will promote the growth of financing needs. If theproblems of Financing Model of the film industry can not be solved, the development offilm industry will be difficult to continue and come into the plight of "A fish out ofwater".Optimization of Financing Model is not only related to the rise and fall of the filmindustry, but also related to the cultural rights and interests of the masses. This paper wasarranged in the order of putting forward problems、analyzing problems、solving problems.According to the status quo of financing mode of the domestic film industry, this papertried to solve problems related to the current financing mode of the film industry throughthe optimization of the financing mode.This paper is divided into three parts.The first part put forward the problem, mainly clarified the related concepts aboutresearch,and described related research background and research significance about thefilm financing model, and summarized the Research status at home and abroad.The second part was for the analysis of problems. This part firstly analyzed thecurrent situation of Chinese film industry pattern, and then summarized the existing fivemature financing mode of film industry. The five modes of financing were as follows:copyright pledge loans, public offering, private equity funds, implantable advertising,government investment and financing system. At last it analyzed the problems of theabove-mentioned financing mode.The third part was about the solution to the problem, namely the optimization offinancing mode, which is also the innovation point in this paper. This part mainly relatedto how to solve the problem of the financing mode of the second part, and put forwardsome corresponding optimization measures in order to ultimately solve problems of thefinancing model of Chinese film industry. The third part was divided into two categories,namely the improved optimization and innovative optimization. Improved optimization was aimed at the five mature film financing mode in thesecond part, and strived to put forward relevant countermeasures in order to improve theexisting financing mode.innovative optimization was to optimize the financing model of Chinese filmindustry from the perspective of financing mode innovation. This paper analyzed theemerging Internet financing mode and copyright securitization financing mode, and didresearch on how to combine them with Chinese film industry. This paper wishesfinancing mode innovation would enrich film financing mode to provide financingopportunities for all levels of the film companies.
Keywords/Search Tags:film industry, financing mode, optimization
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