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Wang Gen Thought Study

Posted on:2015-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428480365Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the successor of Yangming and the Taizhou school founder king Genshen in capitalism in the late Ming period, facing the change of economic structure, social change and people’s self-awareness, Wang Genshun should be the needs of the times, based on inheriting the traditional Confucian put forward a series of creation thought, not only the transformation of Wang Yangming’s conscience theory as a starting point, and with conscience theory developed its distinctive nature theory, and on this basis puts forward his ontological proposition, namely being the, also to be worldly-wise and play safe as its methodology and process principle of interpersonal relationship, ontology and methodology and he proposed to his political ideal service to make a long story short, Wang Gen, although never an official, but the heart is still an authentic Confucian, Confucianism still embrace positive in his promising political ideal, just Wang Gen according to the political reality is an official put forward a series of curve saves the nation strategy, is difficult in the career aspirations of intellectuals pointed out a new path, namely establish division Road, civilized peoples.In recent years, research on Wang Gen thought growing, all thoughts of Wang Gen from different angles of deep thinking, but the whole of the Wang Gen thought research is still very lack of writing. This paper describes the thought of Wang Gen, and be integrated, from the overall view of Wang Gen complete thoughts, in order to get a comprehensive understanding about Wang Gen thought, think later researchers understand Wang Gen thought with reference. This paper from the Wang Gen’s conscience thought, you thought, educational philosophy and political thought in four aspects of Wang Gen thought classified research, understanding Wang Gen thought in its unique era, because of Wang Gen era is still the traditional Confucianism as the dominant social ideology, and he is also the traditional Confucianism’s successor, and his rebellious spirit and the improvement on the traditional thoughts, and formed his thought not only radical and conservative.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conscience says, Theory of the nature of things, Educationthought, Political thought
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