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Study On The Painting Style Of Koro

Posted on:2015-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428473930Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
True works of art is not objective to reflect the history of the spirit of The Times to createthe spirit but, namely artists with their new way of perception to reflect this spirit. Of coursedevelopment and innovation of art cannot leave the heritage and the traditional learning, so thatthe artist must seek the source of art in the historical process. Master of art all the traditionalinheritance development and The Times spirit, is just what this thesis study the painting style ofrealistic thinking. National is the world, in his art creation, only grasp the national temperament,with its unique characteristics and artistic language used in the world art atmosphere. Such ashighly France has trained all the romantic feelings of inner romantic atmosphere and the poet’sfeelings, so only depth explore its inner spirit, and full of the spirit in this potential performancein the painting, can cause the appreciation emotional resonance, to broaden its artistic path.Capturing all his life on the realism creation path, although he used in advantages incomposing way, combines the art master of painting distinguishing feature each, but in thedistinct style of painting, we can see different view of realistic performance. Part in a new formand style embodies the spirit of The Times mixed with classicism and romanticism, and otherfactors, it can be said that his art is in the basis of realism and elegant, romantic melodies. Corotpaintings from classicism to romanticism to the transition of realism, the development providesthe practical basis of impressionist painting, his artistic activities leading French landscapetoward the prosperity in the19th century, at the same time embodies the French landscape ofnational character, is the solid basis for the development of the French landscape.This article mainly from the characteristics, connotation of koro painting style, distinctinterpretation of the painting and painting language. First of all, his love of nature and life can besaid to be his greatest painting; Second, he has the most unique painting language, and canreproduce the natural use of lyric hazy poetic sentiment; Finally, all simple amiable characteralso reflected in his oil painting works, make the person can deeply feel the real nature. From theabove several aspects to explore, deeply analyze the distinct style characteristic of painting,enables the viewer to deep concerns and understand the essence and connotation of the art, thus,capturing the evolution of painting style of French painting and modern painting.Through exploring study of koro painting style, his rich artistic experience embodies hispersistent pursuit of art, with superb painting skills to convey the beauty of nature, thus furtherinterpretation of the connotation of koro painting style of art. Inspire us in the painting on theroad to combine their own personality to find suits own painting language, give painting realemotion, seeking to comply with the national characteristics of painting development direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Koro, Painting style, Art connotation
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