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The Struggle In The Affectional Fire-pit

Posted on:2015-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428473448Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“Incest”, a taboo of human morality and ethics, meaning not chastity, refers tothat two people, who are of blood or affinity relationship and between whom thereshall not be legal marriage, have sexual intercourse that is not allowed by laws orcustoms. The narrowly-defined incest refers to the sexual behavior of blood relations,and the generalized incest refers to the sexual behavior between men and women whoare close relatives from the sociological perspective.Cao Yu, the Chinese dramatist, elaborately decomposed incest in his own work“Thunderstorm” into the moral incest between Zhou Ping and Fanyi and the bloodincest between Zhou Ping and Sifeng. Such a dual incest spontaneously makes peopletremble with fear, and all these are the products of the “crude-nature left-over” of thelibrettist, which render “Thunderstorm” a soul of “ancient Greek fate tragedy”,prominent in the mystery of fate and the irresistible method, and full of inexpressibletragedy atmosphere.“Dual incest” is not only the clue to the development of thisdrama, but also its theme. Moreover, it is a key to interpret “Thunderstorm”,conducive to our acquaintance and understanding of the characters in the drama.This thesis emphasizes several character relations of the “dual incest” in thedrama, teases and analyzes the multi-character relationships and characters in thedrama from the perspective of “dual incest”, and demonstrates the struggle andendeavor of these characters in affection as well as their unremitting fight and struggleagainst the powerful fate. Meanwhile, it also exerts itself on the explanation, dialysis,conclusion and summary of the latent profound implication and author’s intentionthrough the content of the drama. At the same time, it as well set its sights on showingthe characteristics of personality and aesthetic values of the characters in“Thunderstorm”, rendering literary re-attention and active exploration.The first chapter states the beginning of the two “incest” relations in the drama,mainly discussing the character images of Zhou Puyuan and Shiping and analyzingthe characteristics of the two persons and their spiritual charms from several aspects.The second chapter discussed the characters in the first “incest” relationship, i.e. Fanyi and Zhou Ping. This chapter mainly probes why the two people should becaught in an unconventional love affair through analyzing the character images of thetwo people. The third chapter analyzes the character images in the second “incest”relationship, i.e. Zhou Ping and Sifeng, so as to know their affective world,thoroughly understand their thoughts and characteristics, and deepen ourunderstanding of the author’s writing motivation and drama connotation.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Thunderstorm”, Cao Yu, Dual Incest, character image
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