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The Interpretation Of Literary Geography In "Mr. President"

Posted on:2015-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428462868Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Miguel Angel Asturias is one of the representative writers of LatinAmerican magical realism, who is known as "the father of magicrealism". His unique artistic characteristics and many literaryachievements make its contribution to the development ofcontemporary Latin American fiction. But the researches about hisworks are not much and the year is earlier, so there is a greatresearch space. The author believes that Asturias’s unique artisticstyle has begun in the "Mr. President". The construction of thegeographical space in his work reflects his real life and LatinAmerican culture. And it also has great research value in certaincultural connotation and narrative function.Therefore, the author chooses the selection of literary geographyresearch methods and narrative cultural theory to study the basicresearch aboutthe construction of "Mr. President" in geographicalspace.The first part of the thesis introduced the present study aboutAsturias at home and abroad, and it briefly describes the purpose andsignificance of the study. And it also makes a basic definition aboutthe main methods used in the literature theory. The second partdivided into two aspects: the presentation of the image and theconstruction of the space, and it pay more attention on the analysis of"Mr. President" in geographical space. The third part are the analysisof geographical space construction, the present situation and the cultural hybridism and its reason, from that we can interpret itsembodiment of Indian culture and European culture connotation. Andthe analysis was focused on the connotation of Indian culture. Thefourth part of the clock images and the Catholic Church porch this twoimages, analyzes its commitment to the narrative function. The fifthpart makes a summary on the above research, and indicates thelimitation of this thesis.Through such basic research, the author hopes to make a newinterpretation of the "Mr. President", in order to improve acomprehensive understanding of the research which can regard assupplementary information for the predecessors’ research and it canalso to provide certain reference value for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Asturias, Mr. President, Literary Geography, Geographicspace construction, Indian culture, Narrative function
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