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The Word In The Research And Application Of Mark Desigh

Posted on:2014-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425956593Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Words as a kind of symbol system, it is the important visual communication elements in logo design。Words in logo design both can rise to decorate the action of symbol and can have the effect of conveying information, which is a comprehensive embodiment of culture and art, connotation and forms. The advantages and disadvantages of words used in logo design, visual communication effect directly affect the logo. At present, for the words and logo design has been mature in their respective fields, but for the words in the application of the logo design still need to explore.In order to study the words in logo design for the purpose of application, combined with a large number of words logo example, from the perspective of the Chinese characters and Latin letters, according to the logical relationship step by step.First, combed the Chinese characters and Latin letters each design principle and design method of Chinese character logo should adhere to the principle of uniqueness and high recognition, the Latin word mark to stick to the principles of clear and easy to understand, is novel and attractive. Secondly, analysis the similarities and differences between Chinese characters and Latin letters in the logo design. Chinese characters and Latin text are stroke decoration method is adopted, and stick to the font size. But both layout and word spacing is different.. Again, the application of Chinese characters and Latin words in logo design were analyzed, and discussed the status quo of Chinese characters and Latin script logo design logo design. Put forward the design of Chinese character logo design idea obsolete, the convergence problem and Latin characters form a single problem. And analyze how the Chinese character symbol expression; resemble the superiority and the Latin word mark table, internationalization, concise advantages.Finally, the field of visual communication discusses the text in the packaging design, web design, advertising design the application of different media. Chinese character logo design was analyzed with the Latin script logo design their applications in packaging design and web design. This paper also divides into the advertising design, film and television ads and plane two categories, respectively analyzes the word mark applications in film and television advertising and advertising, word mark should be according to different medium, targeted to carry on the design and use of different design methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:word mark, logo design, application
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