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The Study Of Empirical Theory

Posted on:2013-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425955596Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The empirical study is based on the idea of “the existence of an objective world”.This essay focuses on the traditional Chinese history narratives, as well as the Westernphilosophy developments to clarify why the empirical research became possible.Traditional Chinese historians compiled a long empirical tradition. Sima Qian’s“The Records of the Grand Historian” had created a tradition of “believing in history”.In the Tang Dynasty, the start of “Shi Xue” which become popular in the Ming andQing Dynasties set a good example of empirical study. During Song Dynasty, thedoubts and questions of the classic literature can be seen as a concrete manifestationof the ancient classic empirical study. To the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong and JiaqingResearch School who tried to sort out the literature and text, reflects the thinking ofthe empirical, but also exposes its limitations. Scholars of the Republic of China, hadpractice the empirical study at a modern sense for the first time. Chinese historiansand scholars focused on empirical research on the operational level, and had mademany contributions. However, there is a lacking of theoretical thinking.Western philosophers have done more than the theoretical aspects of empiricalresearch. The objectivism thinks the real world or objective fact is independent ofperceptual or cognitive subject, regardless of awareness of how to treat them, they arealways exists. However, people aware that is difficult to avoid the limitations ofEmpiricism knowledge. Therefore, objectivism has to face a wide range of questions: A.J. Ayer divided "verifiable" into "strong" and “weak ". Karl Popper distinguishedthe "evidence" and "objective knowledge". In his view, the so-called "objectiveknowledge" is a knowledge that lack of the main body. Founder of phenomenology,Husserl, doubted the objectivism as well as the "empirical science".On the other hand, relativism has the view that any "objective" is subjective.Hegel found between subject and object, there is a so-called " Whatever is reasonableis true, and whatever is true is ". Gadamer and Hannah Allen, argued that the so-called"objective facts" are the mainstay of the fact that it only exists through the perceptionof being the principal. These views have a huge impact on empirical research: Sincethe objective facts to subjective, how do we establish our research scientific?I think that the "evidence" is a relationship that present through languages. It isneither the language itself, nor referred to the object. The "evidence" are both. Thesubject confirms the object through the "concept". When we are doing research on ahistorical fact, we first need to establish a problem, the problem is the form of a"concept". At the same time, we have established the "fact", which itself is a form of"concept" presented in the "literature" in our consciousness. Therefore, evidence isactually within the meaning of this "concept" which established a "relationship". Thisrelationship is empirical "refers to the relationship." The "relationship" is determinedby a main theory of Kant. This theory can be reached prior to the empirical. It canalso be understood as the individual got the recognition by the subject through theempirical examination.
Keywords/Search Tags:Empirical
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