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Study On The Aesthetic Of Visual Image In The Advertisement On Movie And TV

Posted on:2014-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ShaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425469549Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The film and video advertisements are a modern form of advertisement. It is a culturalphenomenon with the art color in the modern society. It developed with the emergence of media offilm and video. The advertisement has become a kind of culture gradually in the present of fastdevelopment of media of film and video. Now the form of it has been renewed frequently, thetheory of it has been made steady progress and the idea of it has been raised continuously. Up tonow the film and video. Advertisements have developed more than half of century from its origin ina simply style of introduction to today’s various novel, exquisite pictures and media of video tomedia of network, from the peoples’ living-room to shops, railway station, airport and the publicplaces. It has prevailed in the fields of our life.After the society goes into the times of reading pictures, the people pursue the fashion andaccept the visual image gladly. The desiners try their best to make the work to attract the audiences’eyeballs. More and more advertisements are flooding the market and making the audiences’ demandfor aesthetic image higher and higher. The desingers begin to diversify, when designing for film andvideo advertisments, they interpret and decorate the advertisements by the skills of color, shape,words, sound etc. In the film and video advertisements the people can understand the essence of theadvertisements not only by auditory to hearing but also by visual to see. If let the peoples accept theadvertisment, it should reflect the aesthetic value of film and video advertising visual image. Let usanalyze the advertising cases to see which kind of beauty they belong to from the beauty of art andtechnology of advertisements, and to fnd out where the worth of them from their form.The film and video advertisments exist so many years and it has already got perfectly,just like broken cocoon into a butterfly. Now it becomes a comprehensive and practical art. Itis a aesthetic culture phenomenon with unique charm and have the aesthetic value of relativeindpendance. Its aesthetic art is getiing more and more perfectly and gives the people a highlevel of visual impact. But the times are progressing constantly, the level of audiences’aesthetic vision is increasing, futher it promote the film and video advertisements to innovatecontinuously. In this thesis, starting from study on the aesthetics of visual image of the filmand video advertisements, the author makes systematic analysis on these advertisements withthe emotion, value, and culture of aesthetic image, Come to the conclusion, what the artisticeffects were taken in the film and video advertisments combining with the aesthetics.Comparing and studying on some cases, the author gives her thoughts and statements aboutthe aesthetics of visual image for the film and video advertisements in the whole thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Advertising, Vision, Image, Aesthetic
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