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On The Use Of The Language For Investigative Interrogation

Posted on:2014-11-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M AiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425469513Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economy and society, social security situation is increasinglyserious, various types of criminal cases of public security police as complex and diverse, themaintenance of national security and maintain social order of the administrative organ,charged with the crime punishing the evil and criminal responsibility, is one of the mostimportant, need to crack down on. Investigation and interrogation as the key link of thecriminal procedure, is the focus of widespread concern, has attracted wide attention oflinguistics, many linguists apply linguistic theories to explain, trying to find the methods andskills of the. Investigation and interrogation is designed to obtain the criminal suspect the trueconfession and exculpation, so as to find out the truth of cases. And in which how to force thesuspect true confession of his crime fact, what skills of the language, is the focus of allprofessionals.Investigators used investigation interrogation language has its own characteristics, thispaper mainly use the theories of pragmatics for analysis research, from the investigation ofinterrogation context, conversational principles and language fuzziness to focus on theinterpretation, hoping to help future investigation interrogation in the practical work.This article altogether is divided into five parts.The first one: the introduction part, mainly introduces selected topic background, therelated research review, research significance, research methods and expected sources.The the second part: investigation interrogation language in context, mainly from theinvestigation of the characteristics of the context, context of investigation of language islimited and special context presupposition theory’s influence on the investigation ofinterrogation to discussed.The the third part: the session dynamic interpretation principle in the investigation ofinterrogation, first introduced the theory of conversational implicature and cooperativeprinciple of pragmatics, respectively from the principle of the number of cooperativeprinciple, the principle of quality, the related principle of investigative interrogation languagethree aspects of its violation of transformation, and the structure of the session-turninvestigative interrogation language is the form of conversion rules wheel, wheel forinvestigation, question, keep, give up the language of the strategy.The fourth part: investigation of interrogation, this part mainly introduces relevanttheories of pragmatic fuzzy knowledge, respectively from the perspective of investigators andthe criminal suspect may application of fuzzy language.The fifth part: the conclusion of the thesis. This section to write the paper to summarizefull text and profiles. At the same time for the thesis analyzes the existing problems andshortcomings, hope that the future of the related matters that should be paid attention toacademic research and the direction of development.
Keywords/Search Tags:interrogate, language, pragmatics
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