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The Research Of Tian-wun’s Literature And Films’ Relationship

Posted on:2015-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425463142Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper takes Jhu Tian-wun’s literature and iflms’ relationship as the research object.Theoretical basis is the relationship of literature and iflm,which will relfect theuniquenesses of Jhu Tian-wun. This paper is divided into two chapters.The ifrst chapter analyzes the influence of Jhu Tian-wun literary creation on iflms. Theifrst segment discusses how Jhu Tian-wun’s original literature are recomposed into iflms,the consistency and difference between short stories and iflms and how Jhu Tian-wun’suniquenesses are kept in these two texts. The second segment talks about the iflm versionof other literature, which will emphasize the literature that are not Jhu Tian-wun’s but theclassical Chinese literat’ure and the other contemporary writers works in Taiwan. Theseiflms and literature version that are recomposed by Jhu Tian-wun have some identity anddifference. The third segment anal’yzes Jhu Tian-wuns screenplays, the word carriers ofiflm,take what impact on iflm creation.The second chapter analyzes the inlfuence of iflm after Jhu Tian-wun participated iniflm production. The ifrst segment analyzes the adapted short stories of iflm,reflecting thefeatures of these short stories. The second segment analyzes the style of writing after JhuTian-wun became a scriptwriter.These two arguments will lead to the importance of the relationship between literatureand iflm in Jh’u Tian-wuns writing. Literature and iflm consist of important elements inJh’u Tian-wuns writing and supplement each other.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jhu Tian-wun, literature, film, relationship
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