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Methods At C-E Translation Of Tourism Texts From The Perspective Of "Fusion Of Horizons"

Posted on:2014-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q DaiFull Text:PDF
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With deepening of reform and opening-up policy and the vigorous development of Chinese tourism, a large number of foreign tourists travel to China. As one of the steps in promotion of the domestic scenic spots, the translation of tourism texts has played a vital role in the development of domestic tourism.Tourism texts should be easy to understand and accepted by the mass tourists. However, due to tourism texts covers a wide range of knowledge related to the history, culture, geography, customs and other cultural vocabularies. On the other hand, owing to the different aesthetic habits, English tourism texts tend to describe the scenic spots by exact geographic information and concise texts in objective statement, while Chinese tourism texts prefer to use overlapping, fuzzy and vague adjectives and so on to comply with the aesthetic habit of Chinese. This article also holds the idea that tourism texts have three major functions:information, vocative and aesthetic function. The accuracy of the information is the basis of vocative and aesthetic functions.Through the analysis of the translation practice of tourism texts and the research on "Fusion of Horizons", the thesis holds the view that when translating tourism texts translator should be text-based to a great extent at first, and then to shorten the distance between the horizon of the target readers and that of the translated texts, at linguistic level the translator can use some translation methods to comply with the reading habit of the target readers, so that the readers with different cultural background can read the texts easily; as for some words and passages related a close relationship to the local culture, the translator can make some adaptation and keep some cultural information, such as transliteration or literal translation+an added note to broaden the horizon of foreign readers and spread Chinese culture.The thesis tries to analyze methods:addition, reduction, analogy and restructure and so on at linguistic and cultural levels with the combination of C-E translation practice of tourism texts in Hunan, aiming at providing reference of translation methods for the translation of tourism texts, especially for the texts with large gap between the horizon of the original text and the horizon of the target readers.
Keywords/Search Tags:tourism texts, "Fusion of Horizons", translation methods
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