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The Study Of "Imagination" And Vocal Music Singing

Posted on:2014-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q W JiangFull Text:PDF
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As vocal music learners, in the learning process we are bound to facesome tough difficulties which will greatly impact on improvement of our sing. Some ofthose difficulties are so invisible and intangible that torture vocal music learners.Therefore so many learners feel really agony and even they are going to give it up inthe middle of the career.In face of those difficulties, there is an efficient way to solve those difficultiesnamely ‘imagination’ which means that vocal music learners can associate somesimilar things and phenomena to help us understand complicated theories and figureout tough difficulties. The motto of Crassla plane Co. put it ‘imagination is the way offuture, the compass of adventure in future and the blueprint of man’s society’. AsDrvden put it ‘imagination is like a dexterous hunt which can cross the obstacle ofmemory and devote itself to the pray’. The author aims to do the research that how weshould solve the problem of singing with imagination. The thesis is going to find a newway and better method of studying music for all the learners of music.The paper is going to use the methodology of Summary, literary review andexamples with facts. In this article, the author will indicate the function of imaginationto the sing from four aspects: firstly, the author will show the nature and feature ofimagination and sing; secondly, the author will analyze how imagination works tosolve difficulties; thirdly, the author will make a study of feasibility of imaginationfrom the angle of dialectical materialism; finally, the author will give some suggestionsabout how to cultivate the power of imagination.
Keywords/Search Tags:imagination, skill, works processing, cultivation
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