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The Singing Of Liao Changyong’s National Vocal Music

Posted on:2014-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Liao Changyong, one of the greatest baritones in the world, enjoys a highreputation for winning lots of first-class vocal music awards. This article focus on waysto singing of Liao Changyong’s national vocal music. By means of combination ofChinese and Western singing methods, the author gives an explicit portrayal of Chinesenational vocal music works. In doing so, the priority of this article is to help Chinesenational vocal music works broaden its world influence, to draw great attention ofwhole world and to contribute to constructing Chinese national vocal music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liao Changyong, national vocal music, singing characteristics, singingmethodology combination
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