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A Research Of Premier Wen Jiabao’s Speech Acts Of Answering The Repoters’ Questions

Posted on:2014-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G L LiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425455704Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the press conference hold after the National People’s Congress and theNational People’s Political Consultative Conference every year, the premier always bepresent to answer questions raised by domestic and foreign reporters. Premier WenJiabao serving10years (2003-2012), a total of ten times attended the press conferenceof home and abroad. When answering the reporter’s question, Premier Wen generallyby making a series of different speech acts to transmit information, declaredposition, public advocate, made a commitment, express emotions and to achieve thepurpose of the interaction. This article aims to do two things of following throughanalysis the distribution characteristics of speech acts made by Premier Wen Jiabaoduring the10express conferences: on the one hand, summed up the the generalcharacteristics on distribution of speech acts on the type of discourse which is PrimeMinister when answer reporters’ questions, the other hand summed Premier WenJiabao’s personality characteristics on distribution of speech acts made during answersthe reporters’questions.First of all, we analysis the speech acts of Premier Zhu Rongji, Premier WenJiabao and Premier Li Keqiang made on the press conference and get thecharacteristics of the speech acts of premiers when answered the reporters’ questions;then, we analysis the speech acts which made by Premier Wen Jiabao when heanswered the reporters’ questions according to Searle’s speech act theory ofclassification framework speech act analysis, Premier Wen Jiabao, made1595speechacts during the10years of press conference, those speech acts are composed by24small categories which can be divided into4categories: representative, directive,commissive and expressive, and get the distinguishing feature of the mode of speechof those speech acts which is numberious and representative; finally, We summed upthe common and individuality characteristics of Premier Wen Jiabao’s speech acts ofanswering reporters’ questions.I hope this study as Prime Minister answered reporters’ questions characteristics can contributed to the study of discourse types of speech acts, also hope to makesome useful attempts to broaden the range of applications of speech act theoryresearch.
Keywords/Search Tags:speech acts, premier Wen Jiabao, answering reporter’s questions, modeof speech, characteristic
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