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The Logical Picture Of Liuzhenyun’s "Speaking" Theme Novels

Posted on:2015-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422969709Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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In recent years, Liu Zhenyun’s novels specially focus on human “speaking” which hasbeen made as one theme of his works. He changes and reforms the narrative themes andpatterns constantly. His creation relatively concentrates on a particular topic in every period oftime. From the initial “officialdom novels” to “hometown” series of novels, and then to“speaking” theme of the recent novels, Liu Zhenyun makes efforts to provide people withmore and more new ways of observing the world. But it is a shame that critics’ researchesabout Liu Zhenyun’s thoughts and subjects mostly focus on such views and perspectives likepower, history, hometown and human nature which are interpreted repeatedly, but there arevery few critics studying Liu Zhenyun’s expression content and thinking logic from the pointof “speaking” itself. Even though some of them have concerned about the “speaking” theme,most of their research ideas and research fields are limited in the expression of “power” and“loneliness”. There are theorists who also have talked about “speaking” behaviors in LiuZhenyun’s novels reflect the living plight, but there is no further asking about motivation andmotive power behind people’s “speaking” and interpretation on its reasons. It can be said thatinterpretation researches of Liu Zhenyun’s novels about “speaking” theme is not enough.Therefore, this article will put Liu Zhenyun’s “speaking” novels as the research target andexplore his novel logic from the perspective of “speaking” ontology.Liu Zhenyun holds that “speaking” is not only for language communication, but alsopoints to the existing level. He thinks listening is also an important form of “speaking”,focusing on the inner pursuit of language, expressing the release of soul, and the spiritualrealization of self-nature.First of all, this paper analyzes the co-existence of various “speaking” behaviors andphenomena in Liu Zhenyun’s novels about “speaking” theme, interprets the “speaking”generation and types by means of Heidegger’s theory of discourse structure, and leads out alinear logic image, that is, no matter what kind of words shows the final present status andattributes, utterance is made by three rounds which are the surface meaning, the intention ofutterance, words’ conveying and accepting meaning. The three links include speeches’ stateand nature of people’s everyday communication. Logical analysis of “speaking” can provide aprofound understanding of surviving pursuit and mental state behind words, and LiuZhenyun’s game attitude towards language and overturning rules and logic are intended to reveal the social alienation, human alienation and the alienation of human relations.Second, this paper explains the causes of people’s “speaking” desires in Liu Zhenyun’sworks, and holds that their desires come from life impulse, emotional needs, and the will todemand power. Liu Zhenyun thinks “speaking” is a kind of communication, but also a kind ofadmit that comes from others’ recognition. He thinks Chinese loneliness lies in their innerfeelings and emotions have no listeners, so he often regards “seeking” and “listening” as themeaning of life existence in his novels. However, Liu Zhenyun seems to enter a paradox trap,that is, Chinese godless beliefs and uncertainty of human nature. It is a meaningless seeking,for language ontology and sensory coverage make language unspeakable. But in order to getrid of loneliness, deal with mental confusion, and seek self-value and existence meaning, theyhad to be on the path of seeking. In addition, Liu Zhenyun thinks the desire and pursuit ofpower make people have “speaking” desires and the control of the discourse in turn generatespower; people want to talk because of their desires for control and power, and of course,solipsism led by the great awakening of individual self-consciousness is also one reason forthe voice.Once again, Liu Zhenyun repeatedly mentions in his novels the phenomenon of“speaking” dislocation and things dislocation. The reason of this phenomenon is due to thetendency of power, the conventionality of ethical order and secular force, duality of personalthoughts, as well as the masking of language. Since “speaking”, as a social activity, isinseparable from the influence of social consciousness, it is inevitably affected by theconstraint of social ethics and secular ideas. Human business sense and power logic lead tothe existence of double thinking, and self-interest determines the content and quality of thespeech and behavior. Interests of the speaking subject and sensory limitations get language tohave a great shelter and deceptive, so as to make “speaking” utilitarian and operationalized.Through analysis and in-depth exploration of “speaking” phenomenon in Liu Zhenyun’sworks, we can rethink human existing situations and get inspiration. The mass media ofmodern consuming society has built false living ways and social activities for us. Languageand symbols control people’s thinking, which leads to the alienation of people, and peoplebecome enslaved in the culture. Liu Zhenyun, through the “speaking” behaviors of modernpeople, the difficulties of modern communication, and the pain of survival, conveys a kind ofidea that in modern society, language and heart are far away from each other, which is one ofthe reasons why people feel lonely and anxious. To this end, he appeals to people to open their hearts and learn to listen to the voice of their hearts and others’ ones.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Zhenyun, speaking, logic picture, listening
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