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Composite Application Of Images And Symbols In Visual Arts

Posted on:2014-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z MoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422960540Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The application of images and symbols in visual arts is very extensive. The articleelaborates on basic theories of images and symbols, explains values and meanings ofimages and symbols in the visual arts, analyzes effects and influences of images andsymbols in visual context and then focuses on discussing the application of images andsymbols in visual context and case studies.In the traditional theory, the "image" is an intuitive information transfer, and is the“image” of a thing. It’s a kind of mapping, including faithfully recording of objectivethings and is the direct visual expression of a thing. But "symbol" is an indirectinformation transfer. It points to the "symbol" of things. It is a kind of reclamation tool.It’s the ability to generalize the embodiment of rational thinking.In the process of art creation, application of the image is description and referenceof objective existence; the use of the symbol is a deliberate arrangement of creativecontent and form. As artistic creation is a coherent behavior, its integrity could not bedivided by absolute rational. Therefore, to a certain extent, the use of the "image" and"symbol" is a unity. The two vary in different forms but the content that they present isthe same.Based on the use of composite attribute, the structure of this paper begins withdefinitions of images and symbols, and then it discusses the difference between the twoand their unities, and finally draws the conclusion of the article, that’s the unity,integrity of the application of composite application of "image" and "symbol", and thederived meaning of this kind of integrity. This article aims to put forward a set ofpractical artistic way of thinking, and making an attempt to enrich the interpretation ofart.The first chapter of the paper elaborates on the existing literature, explains thebasic definition of the images and symbol, sets a topic about how to combine imagesand symbols and explains reasons for this topic. The second chapter of the articleresearches on integration and development of epistemology related to images andsymbols combined with historical background and current status of modern andcontemporary art. It begins with introducing the logical reasoning of artistic creation from three different progressive relationships of iconography, image and symbolicphilosophy to explain the logical reasoning in artistic creation. The interpretation oficonography and image are close to each other in terms of art. Both of them interpret thetheme of works. The third chapter of the article analyzes and researches on thepresentation of image in visual context and explains affirmatively from the perspectiveof art maker that image is the perceptual performance of artistic creation. In the fourthchapter, the author organizes the art history of combined application of images andsymbols dealing with symbols, images, corresponding and overlapping relationships,summerizes the combined application of the two in the visual context. In this chapter,the author draws lessons from the theory of “language,”“image,” and “meaning” tocorrespond to artistic way of thinking. In the fifth chapter, based on the cases, the authoranalyzes the application of images and symbols in modern art. At the same time, theauthor talks about her own works and points out “images beyond languages, meaningsbeyond images.” In the last chapter, the author draws the conclusion of the article,making clear the application of “image” and “symbol” of art is a way of expressing corethoughts, and various content, form and means of artistic creation are the externalizedmaterial of core ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Symbol, images, composite application
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