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The Research On Kuqa Sanam

Posted on:2014-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B D M A N W E AFull Text:PDF
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Kuqa is the center of the ancient Qiuci and one of the cradles of its culture, it’sfamous of its long history and the unique culture. The traditional music culture ofUyghurs which related to the ancient Qiuci has its unique style due to its varietyforms and rich content, plays important role in the traditional music of Uyghurs.According to the researches that have done before about this topic, and relyingon the background culture of Uyghur’s lifestyles, traditions, this paper will take thefirst set of Kuqa Sanam as an example, mainly discuss and analyze the features of it,and try to reflect the general features of Kuqa Sanam, and also describe the culturebackground of Kuqa Sanam.The paper includes four major sections:First section: to summarize the brief history of Kuqa, also the all history ofUyghur people there, their language, belief, lifestyle, music cultures, the features ofUyghur Sanam etc.Second section: to analize the musical form of the first part of Sanam from themusical structure, model scale, rhythm, dancing style, musical accompaniment etc.Third section: to describe the culture space and the functions of Kuqa Sanam.Forth section: according to the first hand materials from the field work of mine,try to summarize the problems that are existing in Kuqa Sanam and seek to putforward some suggestions which are related to them.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sanam, Kuqa, Uyghurs
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