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"Chuang Tzu" Epistemology Research

Posted on:2014-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422957441Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Chuang tzu" is a rare work with a complete epistemological system in the history ofChinese philosophy. The epistemology of "Chuang tzu" goes deeply into elements ofcognition including subject of cognition, object of cognition, relations between subject andobject, outcome of cognition, expressing way of cognition, attitude towards cognition,logic of cognition and relations between epistemology and philosophy of life."Chuangtzu" provided a new angle and distinctive views in the study of epistemology. First hefalsified existing theories on how the universe was born and on what the origin of theworld was. Second on the base of the recognition of natural rules of objective world and ofvalues of all the existing, he called into question the capability of a subject to cognize aswell as admitted the capability. After the above, he put forth the relation that the subjectand the object could be transformed into each other and the essential thesis ofdiscrimination between language and meaning. All the elaborations of his epistemology inthe book "Chuang tzu" went with his critical thinking or critical inheriting ofepistemological thoughts of other schools. His elaborations characterize multi-angles tostudy an issue and the use of “they-are-the-same-and-they-are-different” logic to back his“to-forget-each-other” philosophy of life.For thousands of years,philosophers who had researched "Chuang tzu" is very much,but many studies are focused on other parts of the philosophy of "Chuang tzu", rather thanepistemological; in theexisting works about "Chuang tzu" epistemological, more is oneonly aspect of the "Chuang tzu" epistemology and meticulous research. Therefore, tounderstand the elements of the starting point, the whole system becomes more preciouscoherent logic to the axis of the "Chuang tzu" epistemology.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Chuang tzu", Epistemology, Elements of cognition
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