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The Evolution Of Concept Of Love About Novels Since The New Period

Posted on:2014-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422459810Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper consists of introduction, three chapters of main body and conclusion,since the new period novel mainly describes the concept of love in the evolution of thethree processes: the spirit of the freedom of love, love writing creation of writing,cacophony in writing.This paper selected research text is love novels since the new period. So theintroduction part of the first problem is to explain what love is. Based on the research ofthis paper since the stage is in the new period, it is necessary to the concept of "newperiod literature", in order to make clear why will as the starting point of research in thenew period. Given that since the new period literature including the new centuryliterature during this period, you must do to the concept of "literature" in the new centuryone explanation, to highlight across a century after the people in the emotional aspectsare different.First chapter of the thesis mainly focuses on describing the people in the culturalrevolution after the persecution of human nature, emotional distress spewing out of astrong feelings for the pursuit of freedom. People after achieved the right to freedom oflove, the pursuit of equality between men and women dependent, despise the rigidity ofsecular society, the pursuit of emotional like-minded and became a main idea. From loveto marriage, daily happenings that make people have to face a series of realistic problems.Paper of the second chapter begins with the background of the economic tide in the1990s, depicts people in physical resources to meet under the premise of the pursuit ofemotional life further. In the face of the temptation of money many women willing to fall,even naked show her desire for sex. Female gender subject consciousness has becomeincreasingly conscious of "individualized writing","body writing" become a remarkableliterary phenomenon. Chen zhongshi and jia pingwa, writing at the same time convey tothe people of a kind of rebel desire for redemption.Thesis of the third chapter mainly describes the following the arrival of the newcentury people love values diversity.80s writers make campus love romance novel, anintegral one. Under the commercial hype, Chun shu"Beijing dolls" achievement made sexonce again become the focus of discussion. Urban intellectual women have more initiative in marriage life. Under the dual pressure of work, family, the male care isincreasingly on the map.Epilogue part illustrates the face only men and women pull down the binaryopposition of gender on their layers of cover can be more rational understanding of thelocation of men and women in love. Namely, under the precondition of our understandingof the essence of marriage, neither men ennobles, also break the longings for the illusorylove women. Concept of love is not blindly subversion male center but to rational, to seekharmony between get rid of the dependence on western feminist theory, the ethniccharacteristics of native concept of love.
Keywords/Search Tags:The new period, The novel, Love concept
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