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A Study On British Tea Consumption In The Second Half Of18th Century

Posted on:2014-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401988181Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is the origin place of tea. Portuguese brought Chinese tea to Europe forthe first time.Then, Chinese tea appeared in Europe by Dutch. But only Britishbecame a large tea consumption country.Tea appeared in London for the first time was in the first half of17thcentury.Promted by British royal,tea was popular among upper class. In the first half of18thcentury, tea consumption increased because middle class began to drink tea. When itwas the second half of18thcentury, tea consumption was more. The reason was thechanges of consumption subject, consumption mumber and psychographic. More andmore people became a member of tea consumption. Meanwhile, the increase of teaconsumption changed the British policies.This passage describes from the following aspects besides the introduction andconclusion:Part one: It tells us how the tea came into UK and the production of English teaculture at the beginning period.Part two: It shows us the picture of how popular the tea is from population andtea trade.Part three: It gives the reason why the tea is so popular from tea tax and EastIndia Company.Part four: It gives readers some examples to help them understanding theinfluences of spreading tea culture better.
Keywords/Search Tags:second half of18th century, UK, tea consumption
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