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The Pigou Welfare Ethical Thought

Posted on:2014-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human studies economics major motivation is to help social improvement. So,economic science should be the eradication of poverty, the pursuit of the welfare ofhumanity as a purpose.In this thesis,"welfare", aimed at the welfare ideology ofPigou ethical reflection, chose Pigou welfarism ethical thought as a research topic,because the welfare issue has been the focus of attention of thinkers, and combinedwith the firstthe root causes of welfare thinking seems originated. As the old sayingwords, water Jieyou source, of the wood Jieyou. More clear and profoundunderstanding of the benefits, research priorities will focus on Pigou’s welfare EthicalThought expand.About the the Pigou benefits Ethical Thought, the whole thesis research ideasfrom the following aspects: First, the Pigou welfare Ethical Thought historicalbackground and ideological origins.To explore the root cause of the Pigou welfareEthical Thought. To Pigou live in an era of social, economic and cultural background,the analysis had The Pigou generated greater impact on the ideological and theoretical,to explore the the Pigou benefits ideological background and source of ideas.Ananalysis of the main contents of the Pigou benefits Ethical Thought. Pigou’s WelfareThought different with the previous bright spot is that this view of the "maximizationof social welfare", he believes that through the transfer and redistribution of thenational income, through the rational use of resources, as well as taxation of certaineconomic behaviorsocial welfare can maximize. Economic factors not directly impacton welfare, but through a direct role in the transfer and redistribution of nationalincome on social welfare. Therefore, the size of the social welfare and nationalincome and changes are closely related. Pigou, the national income should bedistributed equally, the more average citizens for social welfare. Finally, discusses thevalue and significance of the Pigou Welfare Thought that examine the contributionand importance of Pigou of welfare ideas in the history of ethical thought, as well asin real life, given ideological inspiration and brought our moral building practicalsignificance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arthur·Cecil Pigou, Welfare, vulnerable groups, moral
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