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Application Of Constructivism In The Teaching Of English Reading In Vocational Colleges

Posted on:2014-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401986833Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Many scholars and teachers have done researches on English Reading Class based on constructivism theory. They have written many articles about their research results. While looking through these achievements, the majority of them focus on the practice of College English or Major English. However, for students at low English level and low motivation, whether the guidance of this theory can take effect or not is still an unsolved mystery. The purpose of the author is to explore whether the theory of constructivism is effective in English teaching in private vocational colleges in Guangxi where students’ English level and motivation is low.In this research, the author picks out2classes (90freshmen) from Yongjiang University in Guangxi as the subjects. In the experimental class, the author teaches English reading under the guidance of constructivism theory which regards students as the center of the class; while in the controlled class, the author English reading under the guidance of traditional theory which takes the teacher as the center of the class. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis is involved. Data from the exams, questionnaires are collected and analyzed with the use of Excel2003. Data of interviews and class observations are also analyzed to supplement the results of the questionnaires and examinations.Three major findings are shown in this research.1) By comparing the scores in English Band B test and the final exam, the author finds that the experimental class makes greater progress in English.2) According to the results of the questionnaires, observations and interviews, the enthusiasm and confidence in the experimental class is much higher than that in the controlled class.3) It is more demanding for the teacher if she wants to make achievements among students whose English level is low under the guidance of constructivism theory.The thesis is divided into5parts. The first chapter is introduction. The second chapter is literature review. The third chapter is the methodology. The fourth chapter is discussion and data analysis towards results. The fifth chapter is the conclusion and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Constructivism, Vocational Colleges, the Teaching of English Reading
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