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Southern Landscape

Posted on:2014-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B S MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401980837Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The five generation of Chinese painting an important development is the mainstream of Chinese ink landscape painting, and formed with local characteristics and distribution situation, the Jing Guan, Dong Jusi painter, and the landscape of the South representative painter Dong Yuan, Ju ran all the people in Jiangxi. Jiangxi marked the rise of local painting, showing the Jiangxi painting has an important position in Chinese painting."Had a profound influence on the formation of Dong Ju" after the Chinese painting style of the mainstream. On the five generation of northern and southern landscape, the overall trend is the South than the north begins to mainstream. As the representative of the southern landscape painting style,"Dong Ju" landscape painting style rise and influence in landscape painting history, is an important manifestation of this trend of development."Dong Ju" by the Five Dynasties and song of unknown to the public, to the position of the two Song period is increasing day by day, until at the end of the yuan will eventually become the master of landscape painting. Therefore, when we discuss the "Dong Ju" landscape painting rise at the same time, can see when people towards the aesthetic trend and Chinese society and culture. Dong Yuan gentle style also especially appeal to refined people’s mental state, so the Jiangnan style also covered the Yuan Ming and Qing three generations of the mainstream art world.We review five generation of northern and southern landscape, the influence on later is better than the North south. However, why Dong Yuan would have such a big impact, where the landscape painting style and aesthetic significance. This is a very worthy of study and developing interpretation, we can never stop in the previous description and unable to cover critical terms set. We should strengthen their academic ability in the process of further consummation, the Jiangxi painting in the Five Dynasties rise and evaluation of future generations and the influence to summarize, systematic in-depth summary. It is to continue to study the significance of.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Dong Ju", Jiangxi, southern landscape, rise, influence
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