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The Analysis Of Pragmatic Problems In Cross-cultural Communication

Posted on:2014-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401975808Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today’s economic globalization, international communication has been increasinglyfrequent, especially the cross-cultural communication activities. People who speak differentlanguages have different cultural background, different concepts, and different worldview,value and view of life. Hence, with people having different cultural backgroundcommunicating with each other, it is difficult to avoid the pragmatic mistakes in cross-culturalcommunication.This thesis analyses the pragmatic mistakes in cross-cultural communication, trying to beclose to people’s daily life. Generally, people tend to interpret people with different culturalbackground basing on their own cultural background or language rules. Using commonscenarios in life as examples, this thesis analyses the common pragmatic mistakes and thereasons why they happen in detail, from the seven perspectives of addressing, inviting,suggesting, requiring, greeting, farewell, complimenting, and apologizing. Providing solutionsto pragmatic mistakes, this thesis aims to avoid mistakes in cross-cultural communication andhelp people communicate successfully and effectively. The emergence of pragmatic mistakesin cross-cultural communication puts forward new requirements for TSCL teachers, askingthem to effectively give guidance to Chinese language learners as to improving theircommunicative abilities and avoiding pragmatic mistakes, and not simply teach words andgrammar. In addition, this thesis analyses the effective learning of Chinese language learners,hoping to give some help to guide the Chinese language learners.This thesis is divided into three parts.The first chapter mainly discusses the importance of studying the pragmatic mistakes incross-cultural communication, and their influence and effect upon foreign Chinese teaching. The second chapter, based on the common scenarios in life, discusses the pragmaticmistakes appeared when Chinese people communicate with people from European andAmerican countries. And this thesis will analyze the reasons from the angles of cultural values,thinking model, and moral ideas.The third chapter, focusing on studying the link between pragmatic mistakes incross-cultural communication and foreign Chinese teaching, gives some suggestions to helpTSCL teachers smoothly go on with their teaching, and help Chinese language learners tolearn effectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross-Cultural of Communication, Pragmatic Failure, Foreign Chinese Teaching
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