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A Research On The Popular Internet Headline Style

Posted on:2014-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401975406Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since entering the21stCentury, the fast development of the Internet has caused fundamentalinfluences on people’s life, which not only reflect on the aspect of social culture, but also on the language.It is under this huge development and prosperity of network technique that brings those popular styles ofInternet headline into life, which are certain special functional variant of language.Popular Internet headline style means those brand-new Internet styles that originate from copying theheadlines of magazines and Internet articles with unique linguistic style, which are used and transmittedthrough Internet communication, micro-blog, BBS, and net literature. Popular Internet Headline Stylegrows from diverse interaction among huge groups of cyber citizens, featured with vivid linguistic andcultural linguistics, typified by, namely Zhiyin Style, Sina Style and Xiaonei Style. The structure andsentence pattern of Popular Internet Headline Style are relatively fixed, meanwhile featured byfashionability, patternization, as well as the diversity of transmission domain.Although being a newly sprouted phenomenon, the Popular Internet Headline Style has already comeinto practical use, inserting certain effects on people’s daily life. Combining concrete examples of ZhiyinStyle, Xiaonei Style and Sina Style, and by contrasting to traditional magazines and news titles, this thesiscarries out overall analysis and summary on the features and problems of its vocabulary, grammar, rhetoricas well as social culture features.This thesis consists of four main parts: the first part is introduction, which introduces the subjectbackground, research significance, present research conditions and main research contents and methods,making definitions for the study object; the second part gives an abstract analysis on Popular InternetHeadline Style, offering definitions and cultural conclusions for the three typical examples of Zhiyin Style,Sina Style and Sina Style; Part three is the major part of the whole thesis, which conducts researches onlinguistic characteristics by analyzing its lexical selection, grammar rules and use of rhetorical methods,among which the lexical selection is featured by the use of Internet new words, pronouns, poetic words,and mood particles as well as the collocations that go beyond ordinary semantics and grammar rules; thegrammar rules are featured by elements defaulting, use of classical Chinese words, topicalization ofelements, not emphasizing on focused beginnings and some long modifiers; the rhetorical methods arefeatured by the use of exaggeration, antithesis, repetition, short verses, punctuation, rhetoric question and assimilation; the fourth part explores the emergence, development and transmission of Popular InternetHeadline Style, discussing on the positive and negative effects it may insert on the Chinese language, thengives understandings on the attitudes that people should take for the Popular Internet Headline Style and itsfuture course.This thesis carries out analysis and exploration on the Popular Internet Headline Style in the view oflinguistics through various collections about original materials and researches, under the principles ofinduction and illustration, aiming to obtain a real and concrete conclusion on the basis of objective facts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Popular Internet Headline Style, Social Culture, Linguistic Characteristics, Style
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