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The Rheology Of Propaganda Content In Film Songs In30Years Since The Foundation Of The PRC (1949-1979)

Posted on:2014-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Film songs are often seen as one of the important constituent, is the ornament of theicing on the cake for movies. Excellent film songs with the movie broadcasting, will bewidely spread in the movie audiences, become popular songs. In before the founding ofnew China,"the left" have sprung up many familiar songs in the movie,such as "songbird","the graduate," YuGuangQu "and our national anthem" volunteer march "nowmany reactions, such as the social from all walks of people’s lives movie songs. Untilafter the new China was founded in1949, the CPC central committee will movies, as animportant aspect of the literature and art propaganda, filming right from before thefounding of the people become completely private ownership to public ownership,movies in the film art gradually weakened, and at the same time the function displayedmore clearly. In1958, for example, the movies and lyrics are the slogan into the lyrics to"great leap forward" and "people’s communes" movement.After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in1949, when the nationalpeople’s core values was the title of heroism and carelessness of collectivism. Filming atthat time, therefore, to completely conform to the political theme, is the revolution andlabor. Lenin said that the film is the art of all art is one of the most important. We believethat after the founding of the new period (1949-1979), the thirty years, the value of theChinese films not only lies in its artistic quality, more is the transmission of ideology.Although, film researchers tend to the mission of entertainment, but from the history offilm development, movie more time is shouldered the mission for propaganda media.From the second-world-war the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in Germany to the attention ofthe film publicity must be able to see a movie in the propaganda of function. From thedevelopment of "seventeen years" film can be seen that this period of film completelybecome to the construction of a new China flag-waving propaganda tool. Combined withMao Zedong proposed literary from the route of literature and art belong to the politicalthat makes movies completely turned into a propaganda tool, the main functions of thefilm into a sermon and publicity. Film as the mass media has more say in the relativelyclosed environment, building up public communication network in the form of education,set up in people’s deep-rooted popular culture, condenses the strength of the Chinese nation, overcome met difficulties in the process of the construction of the new China.Lyrics and film became a publicity campaign in the parts of the film text, with music willexert a subtle influence on the propaganda to be transmitted to the audience’s mind.10years of "cultural revolution" period, as a serious setback in their development offilm culture communication tool. Controlled by the Chiang Qing et al.,"the centralcultural revolution group of extremely strict control in the field of culture, and most ofthe" cultural revolution "pre-production work on the buckle by Chiang Qing, etc all kindsof hat" counter-revolutionary "off-limits, at the same time, Chiang Qing and others inthe" cultural revolution "period to literary and artistic creation of the" three prominent"principle as the instruction, to develop the model Peking Opera movies of PekingOpera," the eight hundred million "eight spectacle" is the "cultural revolution" period, thereal story of the movie business."Model operas" and become "modern Peking Opera," inwhich both the lyrics and dialogue, and the lyrics of all the content of political leaningsare extremely strong, propaganda lectures and to chairman MAO’s personality cult oflove everywhere. During the “cultural revolution”,the real film until1972and back tothe cinema, but the propaganda film song lyrics and not easy to get rid of the "culturalrevolution" period of sloganeering mode of transmission.Until after the end of "cultural revolution", the film gradually began to get rid of thebondage of political career, become a real sense of art films.This article mainly is divided into six parts, the first part first gives a brief accountmovie, publicity, the features of song lyrics, defines the concept and connotation of theresearch object, and gives a brief account before the founding of the development ofChina’s film industry, is the basis of the analysis of below. The second part is the socialisttransition period of the propaganda film songs rheological analysis, time is defined as1949to1956the completion of socialist transformation. The third part expounds thesocialist tortuous explore a decade of song publicity content on the rheological, socialisttransformation completed time is defined as1957to1966years before the outbreak ofthe great proletarian cultural revolution. This historical stage due to the lack of ourparty’s ruling experience, in the go a lot of detours on the road of building socialism,political situation is complex, the song of the changes in the content more rich. Fourthpart is the "cultural revolution" period of the song content on the rheology, the time frame for the outbreak of the “cultural revolution”,1967-1967“cultural revolution” ofthe end of the decade. Although the "cultural revolution" period of the film by the modelPeking Opera movies and revolution story in two parts, but the song of the propaganda inthe direction of the general is the same. The fifth part, briefly discusses after the "culturalrevolution" to the new period (1977-1979) the change of propaganda film lyrics of threeyears. The sixth is divided into summary. This article uses the research methods of textanalysis and keyword statistics, based on the text analysis of film song lyrics, was carriedout on the key word frequency statistics.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, The movie, The songs, Propaganda
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