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The Study Of "Problem And-isms" Debate In The May4th Era

Posted on:2014-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401487998Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese ideological and cultural circles is very hyperactive during the fivefour period.The duration of the " problem and–isms " debate is not long, but ittouched some focus and hotspots of era, which happens in the background of the fivefour period.Li Dazhao and Hu Shi in the event express their different political viewsand philosophical thoughts. For the " problem and–isms " for a long time after theliberation, and then, due to the long-term influence of "left" thought, the academiccircles have always emphasized differences and both Li Dazhao and Hu Shi’sviews.There are many prejudices on Hu Shi,like"against Marx doctrine "," theimperialist lackeys " which often appear in newspapers. Since the reform and openingup, more and more people can think of " problem and doctrine "with discriminateview, seek truth from facts, and can review and evaluate Hu Shi who are the mainparty in the events,some articles and opinions can be more objective and fair.This thesis strives to return the specific situation, and strive to restore thetruth.This thesis mainly studies the international and domestic background andprocess of the " problem and–isms " controversy, and detailedly research theproblems existing in the debate, make some objective thinkings and evaluation of thedebate. In addition to the comparison between Li Dazhao and Hu Shi’s familybackgrounds, study thoughts as the main parties of the" problem and–isms"controversy which contribute to a more in-depth understanding of this debate.First,this thesis mainly introduces the international and domestic background of " problemand–isms " debate, and a detailed comparison of Li Dazhao and Hu Shi’s personalbackground, nuanced, reflects more humane feelings.What is more,It describes theprocess of " problem and–isms " debate, the rise and development of the controversy,and the consequence of the debate. It also discuss the similarities between Li Dazhaoand Hu Shi in the " problem and–isms " debate which provides an importantsupplement to the " problem and–isms " debate In the end,the thesis discusses theinfluence of " problem and–isms " controversy, mainly reflected in the acceleration ofthe spreading of the Marx doctrine in China; establishing the ideological foundationfor the founding of the Communist Party of China; promoting the Chinese ideological emancipation. The author also summarizes the debate, and make the objectiveevaluation of the essence of debate.
Keywords/Search Tags:the May4th era, the “problems and–isms”debate, Li Dazhao, Hu Shi
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