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A Study On Tour Activities Of Tang Dynasty’s Literati Based On Its Social Environmental Elements

Posted on:2014-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401481382Subject:Historical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tang Dynasty was a booming period in China’s feudal history.Politically, TangDynasty had a stable political environment. The rulers implemented a systemconducive to literati tourism activities. The imperial examination system set off atrend of "study tour”.Holiday recreation system also guaranteed the sufficient time ofliterati activities.Economically, with a prosperous social development, its domesticand international traffic were quite developed and its infrastructure and supportingfacilities were well-constructed. All these provided convenient traffic andaccommodation conditions to the literati.Ideologically and culturally, Tang adoptedopen policies and carried out the "inclusive" policy. Thoughts of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism all affected the forms of literati tourism activities.Under such a magnificent social and cultural context, tourism in ancient Chinatook on an unprecedented momentum of development.Taking the historical period ofTang as the main line, on this historical timeline, literati from such social strata aspriestly class, courtier class and out comers, who were active in the territory of Tang,depicted a thriving social custom of tourism to future generations with their differenttypes of tourism activities. Their various such activities had an important role andfar-reaching impact on the immediate and later development of tourism resources, thedevelopment of tourism industry, the prosperity of tourism ideas and even foreigntrade and international exchange.People today, on this foundation, are facing the inescapable issue of protectingcultural heritage. We should fully excavate the cultural connotations of the TangDynasty literati tourism activities, in order to, on the basis of researches on them,make a modest contribution to the present tourism development and cultural heritageprotection.These two seemingly opposing issues, is this sense, are able to achieve acomplementary development and dialectical unification....
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang Dynasty, Social Environmental Elements, Literati, Tour Activities
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