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Time, Space, Science And Technology

Posted on:2014-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S X CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401475256Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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This article selects original science fiction appeared in newspapers or magazines during1904-1919asresearch object, on the basis of study of modern science fiction, several problems, such as what is"modern science fiction", the relationship between science and science fiction, situation and researchachievements of modern science novel and so on, will be discussed. This paper mainly discusses modernityin modern science fiction: namely, time, space and technology. It should be said that modern science fiction,compared with the classical Chinese novel, presented different concepts of time, space, science andtechnology. The author focuses on modernity experience problems, and strive to explore the social reasons.Modern science fiction is the product of "fictional revolution", as a "new novel", it might be highlyexpected in the beginning. At that time, it was considered as important as the political novels and detectivestories. Meanwhile, this popular novel can be seen in many important journals of modern times, suchas New Novel, Novel Monthly, Xiuxiang Novel, the Novel Times and so on. Only then, the importance andnecessity as research object are highlighted.This article first recommends the general situation of modern science fiction, then analyze it in theperspective of modernity. This concept comes from Modernity Experience of China, written by WangYichuan, who has made a detailed explain to “modernity experience”. According to this interpretation, theauthor forms her own view on modernity experience, namely since the opium war, a new awareness ofhuman living conditions under the impact of the western civilization.This article will discuss the modernity experience of modern science fiction in time, space andscience. From the point of time experience, modern science fiction began to pay close attention to "future",which was rare in the Chinese traditional novels. The western calendar was also appeared in modernscience fiction as it was widely used in modern social life. From space experience, modern science writertried to present more vast space in the novel world. From science experience, Chinese and westerncountries contacted frequently since Opium War, the importation of implements and knowledge inspiredwriter’s imagination, so they created a miracle science world in the novel.Exploring the modernity experience of modern science fiction in the perspective of time, space and science, is a new point of view, and is also the focus of this thesis. It will be discussed from these threeaspects in chapter ii, chapter iii and chapter iv, which are parallel to the structure: explore time experience,space experience and science experience in modern science fiction at the beginning; analyze the social andhistorical roots in the following section; explain the value of modernity experience at the end. The thesisconclusion sums up the value of modern science fiction and its contribution to the development of Chinesenovels.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern science fiction, time experience, space experience, science experience
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