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The Understanding In Second Language Acquisition Based On Dialogic Theory

Posted on:2014-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401470154Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper aims to show several aspects about learning a foreign language in dialogictheory, with some characteristics of this theory in learning a foreign language to be noticed.Dialogic theory is used in many fields and the theory is also useful in second languageacquisition. Many factors appear in the experiment of dialogic theory and some factors needto be paid more attention to fulfill the task. The mutual understanding is an important aspectwhen the two points need to be integrated whether it is the communication between the twopoints of language knowledge. In contrast, the traditional teaching ways in classroom of ournation ignore the feelings and various levels of the learners with one teacher teaching manystudents. In dialogic teaching, the teacher can have more chances to understand each learnerwith more details. Every factor in the dialogic teaching can contribute to the successfulsecond language acquisition. The dialogic theory acts as a flat form for the two points to get abetter understanding in order to reach the best position for the further improvements of thenext understanding. Guiding by the dialogic theory, this paper chose three groups to carry outthe experiment. The third group was in higher level than the second group and the first group,who was comparatively in lower level than the second group. The first subjects in the formergroups and the third group were involved in dialogic teaching, except for the second subjectsin the first and the second group. The third group was used to compare the speed and effect ofthe dialogic teaching to those of the first subjects of the former two groups. The subjects, whowere taught in dialogic teaching in the first and second group, got rid of the fear of Englishand became confident and interested in learning English with curiosity. While the secondsubjects in the first and the second groups did not abstain the state of enlightenment as tolearning a foreign language by sticking to their previous ways of learning, improving less inlearning a foreign language than the first subjects of the two groups who turned out to changetheir old ways of learning in dialogic teaching. The third reached the best state ofenlightenment than the two former groups inspired by the dialogic teaching. The process isdynamic and in dialogic teaching the teacher aims to help the learners to overcome difficultiesto pick up the foreign language with interest and curiosity. Using a new point of view, theteaching condition can be changed and in the process, the learners can improve theirperception of learning ability in second language acquisition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dialogic teaching, Understanding, Enlightenment
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