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Role Of The Wonderful Time Is Coming Is Analysed

Posted on:2014-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F HanFull Text:PDF
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The opera " the marriage of Figaro " is one of Mozart’s most representative works. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.1756-1791), as a representative of Vienna classical music school, Austria famous composer, a music was born in January27,1756and belongs to the west of Austria has a long tradition of music in Salzburg, he always showed high music talent, at the age of six, his father and sister Maria Anna tours throughout Europe, visited Germany, Belgium, Paris, London and Holland, is recognized as the greatest musician in the world, known as the " child prodigy ", Mozart in his short life of only35years, because of its special life experience and unique personality, make him in music has accumulated rich experience and formed his unique artistic style, and write a lot of music works. Mozart wrote the theme and form is almost involved in all areas of music, such as opera, symphony, piano and other musical instruments concertos, Sonatas, various combinations of chamber music and solo, duet, leaving many immortal masterpieces. But the main field of the creation of the opera, Opera plays an important role in the creation of Mozart, in the course of35years of life, the life short,25in the opera in the creation, has great influence on opera, played a role in promoting.In the learning process of singing opera works, learn to sing " the marriage of Figaro " is a good start, by singing Mozart’s music can cultivate good manners, coherent sound and breath, especially Mozart and more, and in the low zone, and the aria are mostly in the treble area and many works are colorful place, both to consolidate the soft zone, and gradually develop their own range. Due to the idea of considering, triggered the role of Susanna the author of Mozart " the marriage of Figaro " this opera aria " wonderful time coming " deductive analysis, based on the background of the inquiry and analysis of the opera artists focus and self learning experience with the synthesis character...
Keywords/Search Tags:Opera, " the marriage of Figaro ", Susanna, role
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