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Women Soft Words In Modern Chinese

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401456556Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Female language discourse gentle melody, and great differences in male language and other languages and have research value. Female gentle language exists in the female language, it has a typical female qualities typical trait is mainly reflected in the language "gentle". At the same time, the women use soft words with utilitarian purpose, rather than just the gender factor in the decision to speak. In this paper, the analysis of the specific language cases, trying to prove that women’s gentle words are there, and trying to divide its typical category.The first chapter section has three main elements:introductory topics origin; the Research; research object and the scope, purpose, meaning and method, the Corpus sources.As defined in Chapter Ⅱ of the the female gentle language, classification and female soft words summed style. The female soft words are divided into three categories:the female Jiaochen language, women euphemism and female harsh language. According to the female soft language study three main types of objects, The female soft language is defined as:the female soft language is a gentle, Jiaochen, delicate, tactful, subtle, tortuous, implicitly, a strong, distinctive and so on up and show weakness, compromise maintain, accommodate, attack refute expression gesture, to please, to ease the conflicts, to express their willingness to fight for the interests of a special women for the purpose of dialects.The third Chapter classified the "Jiaochen" language. Were studied the modal particle women Jiaochen language Relationship of the relationship, interjections and women Jiaochen language; the personal pronouns women Jiaochen language. The modal particle interjection, personal pronouns can be seen as a sign of female Jiaochen language to determine the part Jiaochen language. At the same time, this part of the network buzzwords appear, as well as the relationship between the female soft words theyThe fourth chapter focuses on the women’s soft words euphemism. Female soft language of euphemism is different from the common euphemism, this is mainly manifested classification:the heavy negative form female euphemism additional questions about the form of the female euphemism. At the same time, this part describes the women in the context of euphemism.The fifth chapter describes the harsh language in the women’s soft words. This classification is special, because the harsh language can easily be classified as non-polite language, with the basic characteristics of the female language (tactful, subtle) contrary to. Will find that our female soft words, harsh language is soft expletive attack language. It would appear that it is compared with the offensive language, still tactful, subtle.Chapter VI introduces the female soft language heterosexual phenomenon. Causing the female soft language heterosexual, there are many reasons. First see from the context and discourse object, which is the most direct reason; the practice content; cultural and educational background; patriarchal dominance will cause the phenomenon of female heterosexual soft words.Concludes with a summary summarizes the classification of female soft words, and to determine a soft language of modern Chinese women existence verbal facts.
Keywords/Search Tags:female, gentle language, jioachen, Euphemism, mean
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