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Comparative Study Of Between Chinese And Vietnamese Of The Directional Complement Character "Lai","Qu"

Posted on:2014-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M X L N G U Y E N M I H U Full Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401454174Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Directional compounds, is acted by directional verbs, and its location is after verbs or adjectives. As a special sentence structure, it is used to indicate the direction of moving of the subject. Directional verbs "come","go" are the hard problem for foreigner students because of they have the contrary meanings, of the simliar sentence structure, of the high using-frequence and the comples of using-circumstance, and it was highlighted by people. Therefore, it is a fucus for educational circles to pay attention to study on directionsal verbs, scholars made lots of works and great achievement on it.As a teacher, who I teach Chinese in Vietnam found that Vietnamese students who study Chinese often make mistakes on how to use directional compounds "come, go". Thus, this paper attempt to discuss how to resolve the practical problems of teaching and learning Chinese, and give them the proper advice through comparison of the Chinese directional expression and analyse the materials of directional compounds which we collected. I hope this paper has some kind helpness to Vietnames who are learing Chinese, vice versa, and provide them a piece of value reference material.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese, Vietnamese, come, go, directional compounds, comparison, mistaks analysis, teaching strategies
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