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The Research On Teaching Of Modern Chinese New Words

Posted on:2014-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R B L G WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330398485885Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China’s reform and opening up threedecades of economic, scientific and technological, cultural and other, therehave been a lot of new things, modern Chinese as the language of With therapid development of China’s reform and opening up three decades ofeconomic, scientific and technological, cultural and other, there has been a lotof new things, modern Chinese has also undergone a lot of changes, and theemergence of many new words. In this situation, for the teaching of modernChinese new words Mongolia University, Chinese students also need furtherstudy, this author teaching practice experience as practice material, someinquiry is better to explore modern Chinese new words teaching, easy toMongolia University, Chinese students a better grasp of the Chinese newwords.This thesis is divided into three chapters.The first chapter of modern Chinese new words to define, and occurringbackground. This chapter of modern Chinese new words defined anddiscussed the causes and types of modern Chinese new words.The second chapter, Modern Chinese new words in teaching Chinese asa foreign language in the inquiry. The chapter analyzes the status quo ofmodern Chinese new words in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and theMongolian University of Chinese professional new words teaching situation.And modern Chinese new words and teaching principles focus on analysis,including the teaching curriculum, the preparation of new teaching materials,teaching methods, analysis times teachers and students in active learning infive areas.Chapter modern Chinese new words in Mongolia University of Chinese professional teaching practice. This chapter combined experience of theauthor in the short-term internship, professor of Inner Mongolia NormalUniversity Mongolian Foreign Students Chinese new words, on how theteaching of Chinese new words Mongolia University of Chinese students,analyzed the effect of teaching practice, and Mongolian University of Chineseprofessional teaching new words some reflection and Prospects.This thesis is in the process of writing the use of literature data,interpretations illustrate the law, for example, the law and the teachingpractice and other research methods, through Mongolia University, Chinesestudents Chinese new words and teaching, to equip them with the Chinesenew words, teach Chinese the purpose of the new words everydaycommunication. Mongolia University, Chinese students of modern Chinesenew words and teaching can promote healthy and smooth forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern Chinese, New Words, Teaching research
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