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The Teaching Strategies Of English Education

Posted on:2014-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330398484747Subject:Education management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The language is a thinking tool, is the main carrier of information andculture. It is the most important communication tool in human society.English education focus on English education in schools, teaching strategiesand second language acquisition and learning, but also can not be involvedin all areas of research in English education, can not meet the requirementsof the development of English education practice. Therefore, the study ofEnglish education not only conducive to the improvement of Englisheducation theory, but also conducive to the development of Englisheducation practice.In this paper, on the basis of access to a large amount of literature onEnglish education activities with educational goals are not clear, and theeducational philosophy old, divorced from the phenomenon of learninglanguage knowledge and use of language skills have a certain understanding,Then put forward four English education strategy: ladder positioningstrategies, the situational teaching strategies, learning to use the strategy,cross-cultural training strategy. English education strategy essentially, inorder to get the solution of the problem. Try school English educationplatform development to English education strategy for the core of the newEnglish education philosophy.In short, through the collection of data, a comprehensiveunderstanding of the English state of education and its related outcomes,which sum up and draw on the useful experience. And rational analysis onthe basis of previous studies, philosophy of English education should fillthe existing concept, the lack of strategic research, The height of the theoryitself should also find English Education. Find both to guide the specificdetails of education, and sufficient to guide the education global English education philosophy. English on a stage in the future development ofeducation strategy at the end of the article, estimates and projections, andultimately presented in the form of papers out.
Keywords/Search Tags:English Teaching, Strategies
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