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The Study On Yu Jing’s Poetry

Posted on:2014-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330392463369Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yu Jing is not only a famous minister but also a prominent politician of NorthernSong Dynasty. His literature achievements should not be ignored even though he ismore be known as a politician. Yu Jing have written140poems. The theme of thepoetry mostly were changchou, jiyou, yongwu, tiyong, and the subject mostly were toexpress his ambition, to show his personality, and embodied his sincere emotion. Thisarticle focuses on the thoughts,the theme and the creative features of Yu Jing’ poetry,and elaborates Yu jing’s contribution to the Northern Song Dynasty as well ashistorical status of the as a politician. This paper argues that the style of the poetrywas harmonious, and also with lots of fun. To a great degree, it presented culturalcharacteristics of Lingnan, for which the poetry was full of regional elements. Yu Jinghad missioned Khitan three times, he had learned Khitan and use aboriginalledlanguage in poetry, so his poetry was also showing a unique exotic. The poetry of Yujing was vigorous, meaningful and full of emotion. It had made a substantialcontribution to the literary prosperity of the Northern Song Qingli poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yu Jing, poetry, theme, geographical features, poetic contribution
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