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The Study Of Wuhan Protestant Philanthropy In The Period Of Late Qing Dynasty And The Early Republic Of China

Posted on:2014-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330392463349Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the late Qing dynasty and the early republic of China, Wuhan face a serious socialand ecological environment. Frequent natural disasters, frequent wars, preserved Vulgar alongwith the thousands of years of feudal society, which made the local people lived in poorconditions and survival difficult. Meanwhile, with the outbreak of the Opium War, the unequaltreaties signed and the inception of Hankow, seizing this opportunity, Protestant enter intoWuhan for developing missionary career. In order to open the Wuhan missionary situation andmake better development of missionary work, facing the troubled Wuhan society, Christianmissionaries carry out charitable activities in line with local conditions.This thesis will take Wuhan Christian charity activities of this period as inspection object,from the Christian motivation to carry out charity, organization, the founder of forms, sources offunding, and the relationship with the missionary work, to systematically expounded the internaloperation mechanism of Christian charity, and from four aspects to analysis the specific contentof Christian charity: the medical charity, education charity, the Salesian disabled, socialassistance, for revealing the role of Christian charity of the social development in the late Qingdynasty and the early republic of Wuhan. The Christian charity is closely related to thesocial-ecological environment of Wuhan, which also is an effort of try for Christ to open theWuhan missionary situation. Although the purpose of Christian charity is for missionary, and itsnursery business makes conflict many times, but we can not deny that,with the carrying out ofthe charity, the Christian effectively open the missionary situation of Wuhan, develop themissionary work, promote the Wuhan progress of social civilization, make up for the lack ofgovernment relief efforts, and promote the Wuhan modern transformation of traditionalphilanthropy, to some extent, promote the social progress of Wuhan.
Keywords/Search Tags:late Qing dynasty and the early republic of China, Wuhan, protestant, philanthropy
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