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The Wonderland Of A Magician

Posted on:2013-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The object of study in this paper is Tim Burton’s fairy tale movies, As a famous Hollywood director, he is in his own unique genre characterized by his own personal narrative, a unique artistic style. Fantasy, weird, strange, Gothic, these are Burton’s unique labels. The fairy tale films for Tim Burton are the most appropriate movie to show his personal characteristics. The fairy tale movie for Burton provide a play room for imagination, in his three fairy tale movie "Big Fish","Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Alice in Wonderland", show Tim Burton’s unique visual style and personal taste.On the basis of the concept of fairy tale movies, Hollywood has always been the fairy tale film as a background to study the unique characteristics of Tim Burton’s fairy tale film. The first chapter is about the definiton and the develompment of fairy tale movies. Burton’s fairy tale movies have classical fairy tale narrative, but there is no lack of modern temperament. The second chapter is to study the narritive style of Burton’s film. Tim Burton’s aesthetic characteristics makes fairy tale film’s unique and profound visual aspect of Burton’s vibrant color schemes and Gothic elements. The third chapter is to explore Tim Burton’s aesthetic features. The expression of ideas, lonely characters’and their inner issues trigger people’s sympathy.According to the study, we can find the differences between Burton’s fairy tale movies and other fairy tale performances. In his films, dark and innocence are always just the right blend and satisfy both children and adults. The films show Tim Burton style completely and clearly.
Keywords/Search Tags:fairy tale film, Tim Burton, classical narratology of fairy tale film, aestheticfeatures
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