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Research On The Effect Of Acupuncture On The Chemical Compound And Fat Concentration Of The Metabolic Syndrome

Posted on:2008-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254360218961719Subject:Medicine Rehabilitation learn
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Background:The metabolic syndrome is a syndrome which includes diabetes, thebeginning symptoMS of diabetes and obesity; no matter the level of cholesterol orhigh blood pressure. Because of the rapid social development of the today’s society,modern life style is ever changing and influences the increase of the rate of disease.This phenomenon can be seen in modern western societies as well as developingcountries such as in the Chinese culture. However, the symptoMS and causes of thissyndrome will vary depending on the race and location of the subjects. The rate ofthis disease affects Americans about twice as much as Indus, by affecting over 40%of the American population. In Finland, it will affect around 8-15% of the population.The population of Asia, including Chinese people, aren’t as obese as the people ofthe western culture, however; the rate of this disease remains considerably high andreaches over 14%. Among the obese population of the Chinese culture, the locationof weight gain is mainly focused in the abdominal region leaving the extremities thin;this type of obesity is usually referred to as the pear-shaped obesity.Purpose and meaning:This study aiMS to evaluate the affect of acupuncture onthe chemical compound and fat content of the metabolic syndrome. This study alsoaiMS to provide a safe and convenient approach to treat the metabolic syndrome witha drug free therapy.Method: This study will analyze the affect of acupuncture therapy on thechemical compound and fat content of the metabolic syndrome. This study will alsoanalyze the mechanism of the treatment method. It will have two different sectionsincluding; the theoretical section and the clinical section. In the theoretical section,this study will review the western and Chinese medical understanding of themetabolic syndrome, conclude its etiology and pathology, and evaluate its treatmenttechniques and approaches. This study will state previous research approaches andname the existing concerns. There will be a definite treatment orientation in theapproach of modern therapy methods which steMS from the basic understanding ofthe disease. In the clinical section, there are a total of 18 patients diagnosed with the metabolic syndrome which received acupuncture therapy. The main acupuncturepoints selected are: Zhongwan (Ren-12), Qihai (Ren-6),Tianshu(ST-25), Daheng(SP-15), Daimai (Extra), Zusanli (ST-36), Sanyingjiao (SP-6) and so on. These mainacupuncture points were selected in the purpose of "Nourishing the stomach andspleen and harmonize the qi of the fu organs". Other points were selected according tothe patient’s individual symptoMS. The acupuncture treatments are provided once aday, 15 days is a treatment course. In general, the patients received between 2 to 3courses of treatment. The intensity and severity of the patients’ symptoMS andmedical condition were recorded at the beginning and at the end of the treatment witha professional medical symptoMS scale. A comparative study was done with theresults. These results included the weight and body dimension of the patient, bloodpressure and cholesterols level and the chemical compound of FBG、HDL、LDL、TG and so on.Results:After two courses of treatment, the patients’ blood test showed nosignificant difference between the chemical compound at the onset of the treatmentcompared with the end results. However, the patients’ clinical symptoMS and bloodpressure and cholesterol levels showed a highly significant difference.Conclusion:The acupuncture treatment has a significant affect on the symptoMSof the metabolic syndrome. It is safe to use and has no important side effect.Acupuncture can improve the patient’s medical condition and clinical symptoMS.Acupuncture can reduce the cholesterol levels; remove extra body weight at theabdominal level and reducing the BMI. Acupuncture can also control the bloodpressure, blood sugar level and cholesterols level. Furthermore, extensive clinicalresearch about the affect of acupuncture on the chemical compound and the fatmetabolic syndrome need to be conducted in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acupuncture, Metabolic syndrome, fat concentration, chemical compound
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