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The Clinical Significance And The Mechanism Of Changes Of Platelet Parameters In Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Posted on:2015-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330428998309Subject:General surgery
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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common primary liver malignanttumors, in our country, because of the large amounts of patients with hepatitis B,sopatients with hepatocellular carcinoma often experience typical three progresses: hepatitisB–cirrhosis–HCC. Due to the duration up to several decades and difficulty to predict theincidence of carcinoma and few physical examinations, so the prognosis of HCC patients isrelatively poor. When patients came to hospital, they found that tumor metastasis anddifficult to operate excision, thus led to a serious negative impact on survival and badquality of life of patients with HCC. For these reasons to find a convenient detection andeasy measurement index for the early prediction of HCC occurrence is very important.It has been reported that mean platelet volume (MPV) in patients with HCC is largerthan patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatitis. Moreover MPV and IL-6were positivelycorrelated, at the same time, more studies have found that the platelet count (PLT) isassociated with complications and mortality after surgical resection of HCC patients, so Iwant to combine experimental approach and clinical experiments to find the relationshipbetween platelet and HCC, and looking for a quick, easy, convenient predictor of HCC, toguiding prognosis or monitoring recurrence.This study includes two parts, the first part is the statistical data of clinical cases withHCC patients. Though compare with platelet parameters in preoperative and postoperative,as well as preoperative and recurrence,to discuss the significance of platelet parameters inrecurrence and monitoring the occurrence of HCC. The second part is the experimentalanalysis about IL-6and TPO, which is relevant to HCC and platelets. Through test thelevel in HCC tissue and serum, to discuss the correlation between HCC and platelets,andtry to explain the mechanism of platelet parameter changes. Part Ⅰ:The clinical significance of platelet parameters in the hepatocellularcarcinomaObjective: To investigate the clinical significance of platelet parameters in earlydiagnosis and predicting recurrence of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.Methods: This study was undertaken at the special medicine care dept1and livertransplantation dept. of Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital (EHBH, the ThirdAffiliated Hospital of the Second Military Medical University). The medical records of allpatients who underwent a liver resection and patients with liver masses which werepathologically confirmed to be hepatocellular carcinomas between January2006andDecember2011were reviewed. The total of clinical cases data is410. We adapt thespss-18software to analyze the clinical significance of platelet parameter change by Singlesample t test.Results: There were significant differences in platelet count between preoperative andpost operation (p<0.001), compared with preoperative ones mean platelet volume is alsostatistical significance (p<0.001) in post operation and recurrence patients. Advanced stageand medium stage compared to the early stage in BCLC stages, mean platelet volumeshowed no significant difference (p>0.05).Conclusions: The early changes of platelet parameters can help for early diagnosis anddetection of recurrence in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Part Ⅱ:The mechanism of platelet parameter changes in patients withhepatocellular carcinomaObjective: to investigate the mechanism of changes of platelet parameters in patientswith hepatocellular carcinoma.Methods:We collected10shares hepatocellular carcinoma tissues and pericarcinomatoustissues and5shares normal liver tissues from our hospital between2014February to2014year. We detected, the expression of IL-6and TPO in the hepatocellular carcinoma tissues,pericarcinomatous tissues and normal liver tissues by using immunohistochemistry.Results: Expression of IL-6and TPO in cancer tissue and pericarcinomatous tissue wassignificantly higher than that in normal liver tissues, and their expression in cancer tissueand pericarcinomatous tissue are similar.Conclusions: IL-6and TPO may be involved in platelet parameter changes.
Keywords/Search Tags:platelet parameters, diagnosis, recurrence monitoringIL-6, TPO, immunohistochemistry
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