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North China People’s Government Of Medical And Public Health Services Research

Posted on:2015-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330428978385Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper uses a large number of collections of archives and relevant journals.Itmainly researches the medical history in The North China People’s government. Thefull text is divided into four parts.The first part, mainly discusses the health status within the jurisdiction of thepeople’s Government of North China, and analyzes the causes of this phenomenon.Before the North China People’s government, the man-made disasters and thebackward social culture lead to the witch doctor prevailed,coupled with people’s badhealth habits. In the North China People’s government, frequent occurrence of naturaldisasters, People living in the period often suffer blight infestation.The second part, mainly discusses the policies and legislation which is made bythe North China People’s government.Serious disease infestation further exacerbatedthe loss of personnel and materials, which is very disadvantageous to support thefrontline combat and restore economic development. Therefore, the North ChinaPeople’s government issued a series of feasible health laws and regulations, these notonly effectively guided the medical and health work, but also laid a good foundationfor all the work.The third part, mainly discusses the development of the North China People’sGovernment in the medical and health work. Based on the epidemic disease severityof the people’s Government of North China area, from its inception the governmentled the health workers, adhering to the "everything for the people service" purposesactively to carry out a variety of health and epidemic prevention work. First, it toestablish and improve medical and health institutions at all levels, training of medicalpersonnel, then implemented a variety of health and epidemic prevention measures todisease epidemic.The fourth part, mainly discusses the shortcomings and work outcomes ofmedical and health work in the period of the North China People’s Government.This author thinks that, in the jurisdiction of The North China People’sgovernment epidemics were very serious,but the government had taken a series ofmeasures to nip in the bud,coupled with the government’s correct leadership and wideparticipation of people,it made people free from disease infestation and people’s Lifeand health security、People’s health concept enhancement、the witch doctor to correctmistakes、getting rid of superstition.The implementation of measures on the poormasses and honor soldiers free medical regulations etc laid the foundation for thedevelop of the new China’s medical and health services and the medical insurancepolicy covering all urban and rural residents In today’s society.
Keywords/Search Tags:North China People’s Government, medical, Health work
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