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Status Of Sanatorium Management And Innovative Targeting Research

Posted on:2014-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J LaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330425987014Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the social and economic development, medical institutions, sanatorium as a useful supplement has drawn increasing attention. Hangzhou, a prosperous economy, has rich tourism resources, is one of the areas of focus sanatorium, through the development of positioning in Hangzhou sanatorium analytical research on the development of other regions sanatorium has a certain reference.This article uses the SWOT analysis, with customers, employees, leadership interviews research, survey research are three ways to determine the course of development of Hangzhou Sanatorium issues summarized a loss of personnel, the old management system, health management issues such as lack of demand. Combining Western countries as well as the development model of sanatorium of the actual situation in Hangzhou, Hangzhou Sanatorium proposed the development of ideas, positioning and business model, made for the inadequacies improve the management level and to increase investment in two countermeasures facilities. Articles can be divided into four parts, as follows:The first part of the research component status for the full text of the first two chapters. Through the history and development of nursing research in Hangzhou, Hangzhou Sanatorium understand the course of development has experienced four stages of change. From the early days to meet the leadership of the advanced elements of a comprehensive restructuring infirmary needs to now compete directly in the market, the development process is currently facing a number of difficulties. Especially in health rehabilitation as medical institutions, professional hotel as tourist travel, and therefore must be combined with the actual situation of Hangzhou Sanatorium positioning choices.The second part of the problems is the full text of Chapter Ⅲ. In this chapter, through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, pointing out that the development of a long history of Hangzhou Sanatorium, stable source also has some other advantages. Disadvantage is that under the traditional system can’t inspire the enthusiasm of employees, professional serious brain drain, lack of health management services.The third part presents Hangzhou sanatorium positioning and development model for the full text of the fourth and fifth chapter, through the experience of Western countries to learn advanced nursing homes, nursing homes based on the history of development in Hangzhou and mature management system proposed should learn advanced model of development, from the past recuperate gradually advance to the early health management, poor intervention, post-treatment to achieve through early intervention, rehabilitation expense control. Health Management needs around this focus. Hangzhou sanatorium should establish development ideas, good positioning and target groups operating mode selection. Upgrade to establish healthy check-up, health management information, membership user stickiness, health management market model, the development of health management health management education property development ideas. High, medium and low-end customers should adopt different levels of service levels and different means of service, marketing tools. In the operating mode of choice, to achieve the overall marketing, to create " all the process, all-round, all the staff"" operating mode. Meanwhile, build the health management information system to improve the competitiveness of health management.The fourth part is the full text of the sixth, seventh chapter is to solve part of the problem. Management in achieving health protection measures to improve the management level and management facilities to create a healthy focus. In the management level, in order to establish a learning organization, to strengthen leadership and establish early warning mechanism talent as an end; in the setup of facilities, focus on the optimization of the organizational structure, human resources, equipment, hardware facilities inputs.Through research, Hangzhou Sanatorium can provide some ideas for the future development and learn, but also to other parts of the nursing home for the direction of choose to provide some reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:sanatorium, health management, positioning, operation mode
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