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Fabrication Technique Id TMJ Orthosis And Related TMD Research

Posted on:2013-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q G GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330398985494Subject:Oral and clinical medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:The reasons why the topic are chosenTemporomandibular syndrome or temporomandibular disorder has beenrecognized as a disease entity by health professionals since the publication of U.S. ENTDr. Costen in1934. Extensive researches have been implemented ever since. Review ofmedicine history reveals that most disease entities have existed beforeacknowledgement of humankinds. However, as time goes by, many disease entitiesbecome more overt Certainly TMD is no exception in the beginning. The study of TMDwas limited to TMJs pathology and associated symptoms. As knowledge, experience,and multidisciplinary researches culminates to this date, we learn that the issue of TMJs,other than TMJs themselves, can interact with distant parts of body. Other than head,neck shoulder, as well as facial structure, spine, pelvis, and lower extremities might beinfluenced. It may as well be that foot might affect head or TMJS Clinically; it isobserved that the entire musculoskeletal system functions as a chained unit. However,the mechanism of chain reaction is not fully elucidated yet.Methods:There has been no definitely cured treatment modality for TMD so far,based on published literatures within dental community, TMJ orthosis, also known asocclusal appliance, splint, and hight guard, has been employed by dental professionalsto treat TMD for decades. TMJ orthosis is the term used in this thesis afterwards, unlessotherwise specified. The published literatures appear to favor the pocitive outcome ofTMJ orthosis, although the therapeutic effect may be due to non-specific mechanism.Moreover, details of fabrication technique are not revealed. Finally, long-term benefitsof TMJ orthosis therapy are lackingResults:In reality, it appears that few dentists provide TMJ orthosis therapy forTMD patients. Most TMD patients are referred to medical centers for pain management in Taiwan. Unfortunately, many outcomes of TMJ orthosis treatment provided bymedical centers are suboptimal or unsatisfactory. Few cases are successfully. Thetreatment outcome is quite inconsistent. It is speculated that fabrication of TMJ orthosisrequires sophisticated clinical skill which is not available through published literaturesand dental curriculum.Conclusions:In conclusion, it is observed that variable results of TMJ orthosis arepresent in Taiwan. This thesis is focused on step by step presentation of TMJ orthosisfabrication. In addition, clinical criteria of verification of TMJ orthosis are alsopresented. As long as TMJ orthosis futfills requirements of clinical criteria, long-termrelief of TMD and associated symptoms are achieved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Temporomandibular disorders, TMJ orthosis, Occlusal appliance, Splint, Night guard
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