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Impact Of Cervical Vagosympathetic Trunks Stimulation On Interleukin-1and Interleukin-6in Dogs With Rapid Atrial Pacing

Posted on:2013-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330398984868Subject:Internal Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: Atrial fibrillation(AF) lead to calcium overload and Myocardial celldeath, which could have inflammatory response in body. The autonomic nervoussystem(ANS) plays an important role in AF and inflammation. The aim of the study wasto explore effect of vagosympathetic trunks stimulationon IL-1and IL-6in dogs withrapid atrial pacing(RAP)Methods: Fifteen mongrel dogs were randomly divided into three groups: cervicalvagosympathetic nerve stimulation(VNS) group, RAP group, VNS+RAP group.bilateral cervical vagosympathetic trunks was isolated in every dog,and the cranial ends ofthe vagosympathetic nerves were ligated. A pair of Teflon-coated silver wires wasinserted into the cervical vagosympathetic trunks for stimulation. A bipolar pacingcatheter was placed in the high right atrium by way of the left jugular vein. In VNS group,vagus stimulator connected with silver wires to give electric stimulation in order todecrease the baseline heart rate by50%.In RAP group, a acute atrial electricalremodeling(AAER) was performed through rapid atrial pacing at600beats/minwith square waves of2×threshold and2ms duration. In VNS+RAP group, dogsunderwent both VNS and RAP. Blood samples were collected at0h,1h,2h,3h,4h afterRAP or VNS. Radioimmunoassay was preformed to measure the serum IL-1、IL-6levelsResults: In VNS group, Baseline IL-1level was97.05±9.50pg/ml, the IL-1levelat1h,2h,3h and4h during stimulation were102.05±13.70pg/ml、106.39±13.67pg/ml、99.61±17.43pg/ml、106.30±6.51pg/ml. Baseline IL-6level was220.78±6.22pg/ml, the IL-1level at1h,2h,3h and4h during stimulation were216.46±8.38pg/ml、 207.26±27.96pg/ml、213.71±24.35pg/ml、229.05±9.91pg/ml. With VNS, there wereno significant differences in the serum levels of IL-1、IL-6throughout the4-hourstimulation period. At RAP group, Baseline IL-1level was97.58±3.2pg/ml, the IL-1level at1h,2h,3h and4h during stimulation were100.23±2.95pg/ml、103.18±1.48pg/ml、109.97±2.24pg/ml、118.81±3.98pg/ml. Baseline IL-6level was223.07±1.72,the IL-6level at1h,2h,3h and4h during stimulation were225.78±3.26pg/ml、230.60±2.28pg/ml、235.41±2.28pg/ml、245.65±4.07pg/ml. The IL-1、IL-6levels elevatedmarkedly after2h of RAP, and were progressively elevated throughout the4-hour pacingperiod. In VNS+RAP group, Baseline IL-1level was103.18±1.48pg/ml, the IL-1levelat1h,2h,3h and4h during stimulation were111.44±1.98pg/ml、141.82±4.09pg/ml、176.62±3.36pg/ml、214.07±6.87pg/ml. Baseline IL-6level was226.98±2.23pg/ml,the IL-6level at1h,2h,3h and4h during stimulation were237.22±1.96pg/ml、273.05±3.12pg/ml、314.00±6.60pg/ml、353.14±6.60pg/ml. The IL-1、IL-6levels elevatedmarkedly after1h of RAP, and were progressively elevated throughout the4-hour pacingperiod. Compare with RAP Group, IL-1levels significantly elevated after2h inVNS+RAP group, IL-6levels significantly elevated after1h in VNS+RAP group, andboth of them were progressively elevated throughout the4-hour pacing period.Conclusions: RAP could result in information. This further proof that the atrialfibrillation can cause inflammation; VNS without RAP can’t cause inflammation, butVNS can aggravate the inflammation caused by RAP. These findings suggest that ANSnot only aggravate atrial electrical remodeling, but also lead to be structural remodelingvia inflammation.
Keywords/Search Tags:atrial fibrillation, autonomic nerves, inflammatory factor
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