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Mineral Sulfur Effects On Growth Performance And Biochemical Indexes Of Rabbits

Posted on:2015-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2253330428462657Subject:Prevention of Veterinary Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sulfur is a common macro mineral additive of modern animal husbandry, which beencommonly used in ruminants. Since a large number of micro flora naturally live in theintestines of Angora rabbits, with functional cecum, it could improve biological value ofsulfur in vivo. The research aimed at selecting the optimal and maximal sulfur additiveproportion of Angora ration, through the comparison of growth performance and biochemicalmarkers, learn and master pathologic changes of the relevant organ under the condition ofhigh sulfur doses by tissue biopsies at the same time. After statistics and analysis by Excel2007and SPSS17.0, experimental data provide logical addition and use of sulfur in Angoraration for scientific theoretical basis.In this experiment,36Angora in2months were selected and randomly divided into3groups, in which either basic pelleted feed in control group, pelleted feed add with0.4%sulfur in trial groupⅠand0.8%sulfur in trial groupⅡ. The test data shows that the total gainof Angora show a gradually increasing tendency nowhere with increase of sulfur additive.There were a significant difference among control group(2754.09g), control groupⅠandcontrol groupⅡ in average final body weight(P<0.05), and a significant difference betweencontrol groupⅠ(3487.73g) and control groupⅡ(3188.64g)(P<0.05). There were a significantdifference among control group(6.91g), control groupⅠand control groupⅡ in average dailygains (ADG)(P<0.05), but no significant difference between control groupⅠ(14.41g) andcontrol groupⅡ(11.96g)(P>0.05). There were a significant difference among controlgroup(6.17%), control groupⅠand control groupⅡ in feed efficiency(FE)(P<0.05), but nosignificant difference between control groupⅠ(12.88%) and control groupⅡ(10.68%)(P>0.05).The research direction of this experiment was selected in10elements, such as ureanitrogen, urine protein, uric acid, total protein, alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT, serum insulin,serum insulin like growth factor Ⅰ(IGF Ⅰ), IGF Ⅱ. From the test results analysis, alkalinephosphatase maintain (22.33U/L~24.26U/L), total protein maintain (60522μg/mL~65683μg/mL), ALT maintain (9.99U/L~10.90U/L), AST maintain (27.68U/L~28.53U/L), ureanitrogen maintain (5.55mmol/L~6.09mmol/L), urine protein maintain (4503.03mg/L~4530.78mg/L), uric acid maintain (11.96mg/L~12.69mg/L), while there was no significantdifferent(P<0.05). There were a significant difference among experimental groupⅠ(11.58 ng/mL), experimental groupⅡ(11.29ng/mL) and control group(6.05ng/mL) in IGF Ⅰ(P<0.05), but no significant difference between experimental groupⅠand experimental groupⅡ(P>0.05). There were a significant difference among experimental groupⅠ(11.77ng/mL),experimental groupⅡ(11.41ng/mL) and control group(8.06ng/mL) in IGF Ⅱ(P<0.05), butno significant difference between experimental groupⅠand experimental groupⅡ(P>0.05).A comparison with serum insulin showed there were no significant difference among controlgroup(6.79IU/L), experimental groupⅠ(7.12IU/L) and experimental groupⅡ(7.32IU/L)(P>0.05).The obvious changes of liver and kidney in Angora were congestion, hemorrhage,dissolved nucleus and so on by feeding ration with a high doses of sulfur. The bloodbiochemical indexes shows that urine protein range from (12.0mg/L) to (25.76mg/L),experimental groupⅠrange of (40.49mg/L) to(125.91mg/L), and experimental groupⅡrangeof (88.61mg/L) to(161.65mg/L). AST range from (27.75U/L) to (39.43U/L), experimentalgroupⅠrange of (30.25U/L) to(125.91U/L), and experimental groupⅡrange of (40.19U/L)to(54.35U/L). ALT range from (9.93U/L) to (10.06U/L), experimental groupⅠrange of(24.98U/L) to(36.26U/L), and experimental groupⅡrange of (31.26U/L) to(53.41U/L).There were a significant difference among experimental groupⅠ, experimental groupⅡandcontrol group (P<0.05), though comparison of the four test data, meanwhile there were asignificant difference between experimental groupⅠand experimental groupⅡ(P<0.05), ofwhich experimental groupⅡhad the highest blood levels, the lowest levels in the controlgroup, and levels of experimental groupⅠwas between them.Through the experiment research, the most suitable mineral sulfur in hares diet addingproportion of0.4%.In this added level of growth and development indexes have beenimproved and did not affect the normal physiological indexes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mineral sulfur, rabbits, growth performance, biochemical indices
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