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Research On Protection And Construction Of Native Plant Landscape Of The Village

Posted on:2014-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2253330425451944Subject:Garden Plants and Ornamental Horticulture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Village as the stage of rural political, economic, and cultural life, is a relatively independent andcomplete settlement for peasant to live. In recent years, with the new rural construction process movesforward, the village greening and beautifying construction gradually put on the agenda, create nativeplant landscape with rich geographical features is one of the direction of village greening andbeautifying in the future.This article study from the perspective of plant landscape, conducted a comprehensive survey ofthe village landscape of Qingtian county, and select representative village, such as Chen Zhai, LongXian, Gao Shi, Xiao Zhou shan etc, research different greening space of native plants: courtyard, river,road, shelter belts greening and public greening etc, the results are as follows:(1)Qingtian village native plant landscape can be divided into four different types: ancientweathering type, ecological mountain forest type, Jiangnan type, community garden type. Ancientweathering type villages are rich in native plants, protect well and have a large number of old trees;Ecological mountain forest type villages rely on the unique landscape of mountains, excellent naturalconditions; Jiangnan water type villages make green along the water, characteristics are obvious;Community garden type villages located in the urban fringe position, affect by the urban communitygreening, local characteristics is not obvious and tend to the urban greening model.(2)Create native plant landscape of village, ancient weathering type villages should strengthencourtyard greening, public greening, ecological public-welfare forest greening outside the village, andgradually form village greening system with inner greening as embellishment, public greening spaceand ecological public-welfare forest greening space as background; Jiangnan water type villages shouldmake full use of water resource to build green, green layout with linear greening, and gradually formvillage greening system with river greening as focus, courtyard greening as embellishment; Communitygarden type villages should strengthen protective green belt which located peripheral of the village, andgradually form village greening system with public greening and courtyard greening as focus, roadgreening as the link; Community garden type villages should make green by layer, and gradually formvillage greening system with courtyard greening as focus, mountain landscape background.(3)According to the location of the village, climate, topography, present situation of greening and ecological environment etc, combined with the village land layout, the native plant landscape layout canbe divided into three levels: outer space, interior space, inside and outside channel space. The outerspace greening of the village should mainly build ecological public-welfare forest, farmland shelterbeltsand economic forest; Interior space mainly includes public green space, street space and courtyard spaceetc; Inside and outside channel space mainly connect greening and beautifying of the road and river.Should make full use of the river, farmland, old valuable trees, cultural and historical relics inside thevillage, form point, line combination with surface layout structure. gradually form village green spacesystem, in order to assist in the improvement of the village.(4)Native plants landscape planning and construction of the village can be carried out inaccordance with different types and different greening space etc. During the planning and construction,full attention must be paid to shape village characteristic, protect combine with construct, to buildvillage greening system, strengthen the daily maintenance work, greening plant selection should be fullytapped, utilized and protected native plants, on this basis, introducing safety alien landscape plants as asupplement.
Keywords/Search Tags:village landscape, native plant landscape, planning and construction, beautifulcountryside, Qingtian
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