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Morphological Studies On Fourteen Marine Cyrtophorid And Pleurostomatid Ciliates

Posted on:2014-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2253330401984338Subject:Aquatic biology
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Ciliophora (or ciliates) is a large group with probably the greatest diversity ofcell structures among all eukaryotic microorganisms. Ciliates are cosmopolitan. Inhydroecosystem, especially microbial food web, they occupy a core position betweenthe producers-secondary consumers. Furthermore, they also play important roles in anumber of fields, such as ecosystem function, disease of commercially importantanimals and sewage treatment processes, and as bioindicators of enviromental quality.Thousands of free-living ciliates have been reported in marine biotopes, but themajority of these are known only from living material or fixed specimens with nodetails of their infraciliature or silverline system. The overwhelming majority is in thestatus of half-known, confusion, or to be confirmed. These impede research work onecological function, physiology and biochemistry.The Cyrtophorida belongs to Phyllum Ciliophora, Class Kinetofragminophora,and members of them are typical periphytons. Their ciliature is relatively simple, butthey are often very small, and share great similarities in body shape and size, so, up todate, they are the most confused groups in Ciliophora. With the support by theNational Science Foundation of China, During the period between2010and2012,faunistic investigations on diversity of pleurostomatids and cyrtophorids were carriedon in the coast waters off Qingdao and Changyi, Shandong Province, and mangrovewetland in Guangdong Province. Totally14species were collected and studied usingmodern methods (living observations, protargol impregnation and silver carbonateimpregnation methods). The results of species identification and classification aresummarized as follows:1. Three new species are erected 1) Chlamydodon oligochaeta nov. sp.was established and classified into CyrtophoridaChlamydodon.About120-180×50-120μm in vivo, cell ellipsoid to triangular inoutline;crossstriated band (CSB) continuous, anterior portion crossing to the dorsalsurface width:thickness ratio2/3:1.There are about18ciliary rows:three oral kinetiestypical of genus: the anterior preoral kinety overlap the two circumoral kineties,which are parallel and closely arranged; all three kineties obliquely oriented.2) Litonotus quadrinuclearus n. sp. was established and classified into CyrtophoridaPleurostomatid. Medium to large marine Litonotus about250-320×15-25μm in vivowith spindled body shape;four macronuclear nodules;4-8left and8-15right somatickineties;one contractile vacuole subterminally located;extrusomesbar-shaped,arranged along the buccal area.3) Litonotus n. sp2.was established and classified into Cyrtophorida Pleurostomatid.Droplike marine Litonotus about35-45μm long in vivo;with two ellipsoidalmacronuclear nodules;4-6left,and10-14right kineties;one contractile vacuolesubterminally located;extrusomes bar-shaped,arranged along buccal area.2.Two species were redescribed and their improved diagnoses were given based onChinese population: Litonotus Anguilla Kahl,1931: Size highly variable,200-400μmin vivo.Cell very flexible,variable in shape from extremely slender rodshaped whenextended to broadly leaf-shaped when contracted. approximately2macronuclearnodules and1micronuclei.About4-7left and20-28right somatic kineties; Litonotuslamella Ehrenberg,1838:Middle size Litonotus about70-150μm long in vivo withslender lanceolate shape;2elliptical macronucleus;4-5left, and5-6right kineties;one contractile vacuoles subterminall located; extrusomes curved bar-shaped,arranged along ora slip.3.Ten species were redescribed based on the Chinese populations: Orthotrochiliaagamalievi(Deroux,1976)Song,2003, Microxysma acutum Deroux,1976,Coeloperixsleighi Gong&Song,2004,Trochilia sigmoides Dujardin,1841,Agnatho dysteriaDeroux,1976,Desteria derouxi Gong&Song,2004,Loxophullum spirellum n. sp,Litonotus yinae Song,1991,Litonotus Anguilla Kahl,1931,Litonotus paracygnussong.1994...
Keywords/Search Tags:ciliate, Cyrtophorida, infraciliature, morphology, Pleurostomatida
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