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Study On Several Issues Of Cotton Planting In Dafeng, Jiangsu Province(1950-1980)

Posted on:2014-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2253330398984012Subject:China's modern history
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Cotton production in Dafeng can trace its history to8thyear of TheRepublic of china. Dafeng Yankeng Company as the forerunner, tried togrow0.4hectares cotton. According to the current document shows that,until the Liberation, the cotton acreage changes a lot over the years andthe average yield per hectare is only56.25kg. After the founding of newChina, with the speed development of cotton production, it graduallybecame the leading industry in Dafeng.The promotion of cotton breeding is carried by the local county. Inorder to meet the needs of institution, the local county constantly adjuststhe popularizing way of cotton breeding between the1950s to the late1970s. Promotion of cotton breeding adjusted three times, followed byestablishment of cotton seed management areas, the farm communityleaving seed area, and county cotton seed breeding, special communebrigade breeding, the production team to establish seed fields closecorporation promotion way. After studying each adjustment, we foundthat the government has established a special leading organization,focusing on pure cotton seed and pest control in seed security zone, andthe popularization the promotion breeding among the farmers not onlyhelps the cotton seed to further improve the quality and promotion ofspeed, but also provides an important safeguard for the promotion of cotton breeding. Along with the change way of each cotton breedingpromotion, it brings the cotton acreage expanded; further improvement ofthe quality and rapid increasing of production.Cotton-growing mainly use in the form of grain and cottonintercropping. After the founding of new China, under the leadship of theParty and the local government, the farmers, the agricultural scientistsand the technology workers, along with the continuous improvement ofsoil and the agricultural technology popularization, carry out the farmingreform form the full use of thermal water and soil resources. Theychanged the monoculture of grain and cotton, the one crop per annual’sfarming way into the grain and cotton intercropping, brought double-cropper annual and achieved good results in double harvest of grain andcotton. In the1950s to the late1970s, the grain and cotton intercroppinghad been through two times changes. The first change is cotton and whealintercropping; the other is cotton and corn. After study the background ofthese two changes, we can find that there was a close connection betweenthe form of cotton growing and the food need. The change of food needhave a great impact upon cotton growing. It can be said that the grain andcotton intercropping is a good way to solve the conflict of grain andcotton, but, on the other side, it brings the pest problem, which affectedcotton production, that have been annoying farmers.The study discovery that the pest control mainly through the following three changes: manual control, pesticide control and integratedcontrol, form1950s to the later1970s. In the beginning of new China,due to the scientifically and technologically backward, farmers onlydepended on the old methods of manual capture, attracting moths withlamps and Tobacco aphid water treatment. After1960s, with thedevelopment of chemical industry and pesticide, the coming out of largeamount of organic pesticide has effectively controlled the pest. However,the heavy using of chemical pesticide also brings a lot of side effects.From1970s, began to carry out the “preventment first, integratedpreventment and cure” policy to protect the planting. Through the deepstudy of the law of pest development, promote “agriculture-basedprevention, protection and using of natural enemies, rational applicationof chemical pesticide” the integrated control technology, to achieve thereducing of pest, pesticide poisoning and the cost of pesticide, what’smore., to accumulate a lot of experience.The conclusion part mainly summarizes and sublimates the lessonsthat we learn form1950s to the late1970s’s cotton planting, and finallybring the significant reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:promote breeding, the form of planting, prevention and cureof pest
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