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The Research On Urban Community Of Cultural And Sports Center

Posted on:2014-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W B LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There is a fact that China has tho usands of sma ll a nd medium-sized cities, whichhave experie nced ma ny times evo lutio n with the cha nges and deve lopme nts of urbanstructure. The structure of cities and the dema nd of reside nts a re becoming more andmore complicated, so that the s ma ll and medium-sized cities need more cultura l andsport facilities to make the m to be functiona l and d ivers ified places. Hence, during theperiod of constructing pub lic facilities, cities appeared large numbers of cultural andsports centre. The cultura l and sports centre is not only mak ing all the functiona lfac ilities together, but also creating the high efficie nt system. There fore, the researchemphas is of this d issertation is how to satis fy the needs of design of cultura l andsports centre in the process of Chinese urbanization.The background of this d issertation is setting on the evolutio n of c ities and thestructure and demand of residents, focus ing on the cultura l and sports centre in thecity communities. The author o f this d issertation will summarize the proble msexisting in the present situation with the deve lopme nt of society, and ana lyze thefactors of the influences. The object of this dissertation is related service, whic h isused to discuss the present s ituation o f the cultural and sports centre in the citycommunities. Then, the des ign o f cultura l and sports centre in the city co mmunitieswill be exp lored syste matically. After that, based on the ana lys is o f Chinese urbanpopulation structure, economic deve lopme nts, nationa l deve lopme nt strategies andother factors, the author will study the mode which accommodates the city dwellerlives, inc luding the function layout, spatia l form, traffic organization and la ndscapeenvironme nt.The last part of this dissertation is to conc lude the characteristics of Chinesefuture cultura l and sports centre with the develop ment o f urban communities. Thisconc lus io n not only has the significant meaning of constructing the cultura l and sportscentre in the c ities, but a lso gives the use ful recommendat ion to design the pub licfac ilities.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban community, cultural and sports center, architecture design
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